Jan 13
The iphone has a lot of competition these days. But Apple can beat the competition if they create OS 4.0 the way we like. TUAW created a nice list of things the tuaw readers would like to see in the new OS 4.0, in the hope apple will listen to them. I personally am still waiting for flash, bleutooth filetransfer and i would love to see widgets on the lockscreen. What would you like to see in the new OS 4.0? » iPhone OS 4.0, What Do You Need?
Dec 15
BoyGenius points to some sketchy evidence found in their browser logs that seems to suggest iPhone OS 3.1.3 and 4.0 are being used in the wild.
» iPhone OS 3.1.3 And OS 4.0 Used In The Wild?
Nov 01
Dashboard on a Mac is a function that allows you to have widgets on your computer. Press F12 and the widgets show up. What if Dashboard becomes a feature on the iPhone? What would it look like? Ocean Observation created a Dashboard concept for the iPhone. » What Would Dashboard On The iPhone Look Like?
Oct 26
Geohot has just released a new version of blackra1n. The tool allows you to jailbreak the latest firmware for both the iPhone and iPod touch. This is RC2 and fixes couple of bugs. » Blackra1n RC2 For Mac And Windows
Sep 08
Here’s a warning from the Dev Team about iPhone firmware 3.1. » Warning From iPhone Dev Team About Firmware 3.1
Sep 01
Better late then never I guess. With the new iPhone firmware on the way and a release date somewhere near September 17th, it’s time to take a look at the new features. Like I said, better late then never.
» iPhone Firmware 3.1 Features
Aug 31
One of the developers, of the application which can jailbreak beta firmware 3.1 version 3 called iH8sn0w, discovered that the expiration date is September 18th. This means Apple is either going to release a new beta version or launch the official 3.1 firmware.
» Firmware 3.1 Expected On September 17th