Dec 19

Ignoring mobile users is a huge mistake nowadays, no matter what kind of website you might be running. Many people not only browse the Web on their phones, but even use them as their primary surfing device. It’s becoming increasingly common to meet people who don’t even do any browsing on a computer, using the Internet on their phones exclusively.

This makes it important to ensure that your site works well on a mobile device, instead of displaying a garbled mess that’s difficult to navigate. There are many things that you can do to make a typical website more mobile-friendly and responsive, and many of them don’t require any deep expertise in web design. If you still don’t have a mobile-friendly version of your site, it’s definitely time to think about optimizing it. » 6 Steps to Optimizing a Site for Mobile Phones

Mar 08

Adobe launched a new tool to convert Flash files into HTML 5. This is because Apple doesnt support flash on iDevices because flash uses to much battery life and can crash your iPhone. Wallaby “which is the name of the tool, which is still in beta” makes it possible to make your flash content compatible with the iPhone, iPod or iPad. » Convert Adobe Flash FLA Files Into HTML & Reach More Devices

Oct 15

These days there are so many jailbreak and unlock tools for your iDevice, that it can be a pain to find out what tools are capable of jailbreaking/unlocking your iDevice. Well for the guys that don’t know what tools to use there is a wizard to help users find the correct jailbreak tool for their iDevice. Check out the wizard here. » iDevice Jailbreak And Unlock Wizard [jailbreak]

Jun 04

Apple HTML5
We all know about apple wanting you to use HTML5 instead of flash, and a lot of people hate Apple for that. But Apple has published a new Web page that shows some amazing HTML5 examples which may change your mind. It includes 7 webpage’s that all demonstrates something else like, video, typography, a photo gallery, transitions, audio, 360º product view, and VR. To check out these examples you need to download Safari first. » Apple Showcases HTML5

Mar 11

voicecentral black swanBlack Swan is an Google Voice weblication, this means it is not something you can purchase in the iTunes App Store or Cydia. This weblication looks and act like a real iDevice App, but its just a link on your home screen that links to a Safari website.

Black Swan is a feature-rich weblication that enables you to view and manage your Google Voice data just like a native iPhone application. It has been available in beta mode for the last view months and has just been officially launched. » Black Swan Brings Google Voice to the iPhone

Feb 25

mobione iphone mockups on windowsIf you would like to create an iPhone app you need a Mac. But now there is MobiOne, with MobiOne you can create mockups on Windows. You can create a design of your upcoming iPhone App or website by using the simple Drag-n-Drop UI layout of MobiOne. » MobiOne: Create iPhone App & Website Mockups On Windows

Dec 04


Ringostation is a website where you can get ringtones and wallpapers from. It’s a huge collection of all kinds of ringtones. You have to join in order to get those high quality ringtones and beautiful wallpapers.

» Want 750000 Ringtones? Go To Ringostation

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