Sep 26

If you don’t own an iPhone 5 yet and you are curious how stock iOS apps will look like on it’s taller 4-inch screen, than you can take a look at the video and photos after the break, showing stock iOS apps running side-by-side on the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S. One thing you will notice, is that keyboard keys “in some apps” are slightly larger, and there is more room on the screen to see content like messages, and message composition panes. » iPhone 5 4-inch Screen vs iPhone 4S 3.5-inch Screen Apps Comparison

Sep 22

Above you can see a YouTube video “found by MacRumors and posted by f1ipzid3” that shows a side-by-side comparison between the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S video taking abilities.

Comparing the video shots from the iPhone 5 vs. iPhone 4s
This video looks at indoor and outdoor light, front and rear camera, depth of field & also notice the difference in stabilization.

Both iPhones were handheld on top of one another to have equal comparison
All Video has not been altered other than cropping/sizing

Aug 31

A new report from [Google translation] is pointing to a fresh set of high-quality photos and a video of an assembled front panel which they claim to be from the next-generation iPhone “iPhone 5”. The photos and video is coming from a Chinese parts distributor called SINOCET. Above you can see a high quality photo of a front-on view of the assembled front panel next to the same part from an iPhone 4S. » New Photos & Video Of Larger ‘iPhone 5’ Front Panel

Aug 23

Smartphone Medic has posted a video comparison of iPhone 4S and next-generation iPhone parts. They cover some internal components (like power and flex cables) in addition to the iPhone front glass pieces. » Next iPhone & iPhone 4S Parts Compared

Aug 20

Utilizing SUPRATUF – the same proprietary material used to protect their shoes from liquids and wear – SUPRA and HEX unveil their collaborative cases for iPhone 4/4S. Nearly five-times stronger than run-of-the-mill suede materials, the stylish case is presented in either white or black with dual branding that marks the union between the two. The SUPRA x HEX case is available online for $40 USD. » SUPRA x HEX iPhone 4/4S Cases

Jul 24

This is the fourth ad in Apple’s line of popular Siri commercials. This time legendary film director Martin Scorsese does an iPhone commercial showing off Siri. Scorsese is found in his natural environment—on the streets of Manhattan in the back of a cab. » Martin Scorsese Does Siri Commercial In NYC Cab

Jul 23

The latest version of the Apple iPhone, the iPhone 4 was developed with a heavy emphasis on improving its camera features and capability. It has vastly increased megapixels, an improved and faster lens and an innovative light sensor feature. Its focus is aimed at increasing the quality of smartphone image and video capture to rival traditional digital cameras and hand-held video recorder devices. » Iphone 4 Camera Spec

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