Sep 09

To Celebrate the release of the new Game Suckers which can be download for Free in the App Store for the iPhone and iPad, Sauce Digital provided us with some promo-codes for all the other games created by Sauce Digital and we are giving them to you. Suckers is a highly addictive, skill based, colour matching game. Featuring bouncy physics, mega combos and Game Center leaderboards. For free Promo-Codes of games created by Sauce Digital such as, Nano Rally HD, Killer Pool, Touch Soccer, Space Balls and more check after the break fast before they are taken by other readers. » FREE PROMO CODES Of Sauce Digital Games: To Celebrate The Release Of Their New Game Suckers

Nov 14

Grill Competition-iPhone-Android G2-HTC Surround
Some people are a little bit crazy, want to know everything and have to much money to spend. Like the guys in the video after the break, they just want to know what Smartphone can handle the most heat. They decided to hold a competition to see which of the three popular Smartphone’s “iPhone, Android G2 and HTC Surround” can hold up the longest to a barbecue flame. Check after the break for the video. » Grill Competition: iPhone vs. Android G2 vs. HTC Surround

Nov 08

FaceIT 3Gs
I wrote about FaceIT 3Gs “which enables FaceTime on the iPhone 3Gs” earlier today and it turns out its already available in the Cydia Store for Free. So add the repo and download FaceIT 3Gs. Remember you need a iPhone 3Gs with iOS 4.1.

Jun 02

One week ago we started the Batteryfull + (Alarm) giveaway. We promised to give away 10 Promo Codes for Batteryfull + (Alarm). Today is the day we announce the 10 lucky winners. Take a quick look and see if you are the winner. Congratulations to all the 10 lucky winners: » [WINNERS] GIVEAWAY: 10 Promo Codes For Batteryfull + (Alarm)

Jun 01

This week we can give away 20 10 promo codes for the iPhone application BatteryFull. This is because they are celebrating 1 year in the Appstore. BatteryFull is a application by the same creators as MustApps In Box and can help you save energy. When you start BatteryFull while you are charging the iPhone, you’ll here an alarm when the battery is full. That way, you’ll know when the battery is done charging, so you can pull your iPhone from the charger and save energy. BatteryFull only costs $0,99, but for 20 10 lucky iPhoneFreakz readers it will be free. All you have to do is come up with a slogan for BatteryFull and tell us via a comment. The 20 10 most original/creative/funniest or catchy slogans will receive a BatteryFull promo code via the mail. Because of the little amount of comments we will give away 10 instead of 20 Promo Codes, the winners will be announced tomorrow. » [UPDATE] GIVEAWAY: 10 Promo Codes For Batteryfull + (Alarm)

May 22

One week ago we started the CopyTrans Photo giveaway. We promised to give away 5 licenses for CopyTrans Photo, worth $29,99 each. Today is the day we announce the 5 lucky winners. All winners are randomly chosen. Take a quick look and see if you are the winner. Congratulations to all the 5 lucky winners: » WINNERS: Giveaway CopyTrans Photo Licenses! [UPDATED]

May 14

copytrans photo

Its my birthday today and to celebrate that we will do a Giveaway in collaboration with CopyTrans. There will be 5 lucky winners that will get a license for CopyTransPhoto. CopyTransPhoto makes it possible to transfer and share iPod photos as easy as taking them, you can move pictures to and from your iDevice easy and quickly. You can also add photo albums, Organize your photos and rotate or backup your iPhone pictures. Giveaway Is Over!

» UPDATE: GIVEAWAY: 5 CopyTrans Photo Licenses!

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