iPhone5Mod presents the Translucent mod kit. It’s scratch-proof and anti-fingerprint with highly visible see-through panels which made everything inside the powerful Apple iPhone 5 visible from the outside. The kit is available for $39,90 in 7 unique body colors. Check out the video and information after the break for more details. » iPhone5Mod Presents: Translucent Mod Kit for iPhone 5
Whited00r: Custom 3.1.3 Firmware To Replicate iOS 4.2 On Older iDevices

Whited00r version 4.2 has been released and is a custom 3.1.3 Firmware to replicate iOS 4.2 on older iDevices including: iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G, iPod Touch 1G and iPod Touch 2G. It is really similar to v4.1 but this should run faster (unused dependencies removed). There are also some bug fixes and now includes the Multitasking feature. » Whited00r: Custom 3.1.3 Firmware To Replicate iOS 4.2 On Older iDevices
Transparent iPhone 4 Case Mod!

An iPhone 4 user made some amazing changes on his iDevice, by making it transparent. He bought some Diy ip4 transparent machine pieces and just replaced his standard iPhone cover with this amazing transparent front and back. At Uwants (Google translation) he uploaded a lot of photos of his creation. Where or how we can buy these transparent parts we don’t know. » Transparent iPhone 4 Case Mod!
iPhoDroid R14 To Be Released This Month [jailbreak]

McFly informed us that he will release iPhoDroid R14 later this month. iPhoDroid transfers all the files necessary to run Android on your iPhone. This latest version comes with a Full Reset feature that will completely erase your iPhone, why we need this Full Reset feature we don’t know, maybe McFly will explain to us later. » iPhoDroid R14 To Be Released This Month [jailbreak]
When iBlank came out in Cydia, it was by far the best tweak ever, especially if you’re running themes because it helped to place your icons in any arrangement. Well now for .99 cents you can get Gridlock which eliminates the need for iBlank and allows you to simply place any icon anywhere. » Cydia Tweak: Gridlock [Jailbreak]
iPhone As Digital Microscope

Ever wondered if you can turn your iPhone into an digital microscope? Well it can be done very simple by using an 5 pound microscope found on Amazon “which comes with 3 batteries, 2 LEDs and free Prime shipping” an iPhone4 BodyGlove case for 13 bucks and some glue. The guy from crabfuartworks said its “really simple to make, dirt cheap, and hours of fun!” On his blog you can see pictures of the microscope and pictures made by the microscope.
Whited00r Project, Modded Firmware 3.1.3 To Replicate iOS 4 On iPhone 2G/3G & iPod 1G/2G

Whited00r is a new project created for iPhone 2G/3G and iPod Touch 1G/2G owners. Apple stopped releasing updates for these devices iPhone 2G & iPod 1G/2G since firmware version 3.1.3, so iOS 4 is not compatible with the iPhone 2G and the first gen iPod Touch (and people are complainig about iOS on the iPhone 3G). Luckily the guys from whited00r created a solution for this “sort of”, they created a modded 3.1.3 firmware to replicate iOS 4 on older iDevices. Some of the new features in this modded 3.1.3 firmware can be found after the break. You can download Whited00r via the whited00r project website.
» Whited00r Project, Modded Firmware 3.1.3 To Replicate iOS 4 On iPhone 2G/3G & iPod 1G/2G