Jun 18

iReboot is a native application that will allow you to quickly restart, shutdown and respring your iPhone or iPod Touch. This might come in handy if your power button is no longer working.
» iReboot 0.3 – Shutown, restart and respring your iPhone

Jun 12

Jason Kit got a update to version 1.2. Jason kit is a app that will let you make backups of your installer sources and backups of your maps. The new features for version 1.2 are the possibility to search for contacts and editing the number before you call or sms someone.
» Jason Kit 1.2 – Swap your iPhone installer sources + maps

Jun 11

Customize 2.0 got a big update. There are some nice new features but there are also some that you simple better not activate. As a result of trying to get it to work i had to restore 3 times. Every time I found a new bug. I’ll give you a heads up on what all the new features are but i will also warn you what to avoid if you don’t want to restore.
» Customize 2.0Rc1Fix – Totally customize your iPhone but be carefull

Jun 11

Hon Cheng from Databinge.com released another update to his populare TimeCapsule application. TimeCapsule is a backup app that makes local copy’s on your iPhone for all the important settings. I’ll take the developers notes to inform you about all the changes to TimeCapsule. This version of TimeCapsule has undergone a lot of changes. The backup location has changed from ~/Library/TimeCapsule to ~/Library/Preferences/TimeCapsule. This may cause the program to be a bit slow at startup the first time you start TC after installation because it will move your TC backups to the new location.
» TimeCapsule v0.40b5 – A iPhone local backup app

Jun 08

SkySMS has been updated to version 1.0.8. The only change i noticed are the new providers that have been added. The list is now 12Voip, FreeCall, InternetCalls, JuistVoip, LowRateVoip, SMSDiscount, Skebby Easy, Skebby Premium, VoIPBuster, CoIPCheap, VoIPDiscout, VoIPStunt, VoiceTrading, VoipRaider, VoIPWise, Zain KW, DFI, Hispeed, Orange CH, Swisscom Xtra-Zone and Vyke.

» SkySMS 1.0.8 – Cheap iPhone sms solution

Jun 08

Skrew released another update to his iToday application. The update mainly changes some graphical settings. It’s now possible to scroll through the list of your appointments and birthdays. another thing i noticed is when you tap on the call, sms, battery or weather icon, the screen will slide to the left. This is probably a new upcoming feature. The developer also disabled the themes for now. Together with the new iToday, Skrew also released a update for his SkrewCommon package, it’s now at version 1.37. The skrewcommon fixes some problems people had with the vWallpaper app. Read the full logs after the break.
» iToday 0.5 – iPhone Slide to unlock screen replacement

Jun 06

TapSearch 0.6.1 was released today. What are the changes ? The icon .. that’s all :)
Please read my previous post for more detailed information.
» TapSearch 0.6.1 – Search your iPhone contacts

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