Jun 25

Gizmodo is reporting from inside cupertino. It appears that firmware 2.0 might be ready to be gold master this friday. Golden Master means that it would be the final firmware. The one we will be seeing before or on 11th of July. This could be true as developers will need to have the firmware before it is finally released. Pwn anyone?

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9 Responses to “iPhone 2.0 firmware ready for friday?”

  1. Abakadabra Says:

    Heho Captain Jack :wink:

  2. bennyvd Says:

    left right left..left right left!!! hahahha …

  3. Abakadabra Says:

    right left right… right left right!!!! hahaha….

  4. bennyvd Says:

    For the memories

  5. iPhone 2.0 Firmware | iSpazio - The iPhone Experts Says:

    […] iPhoneFreakz Post a […]

  6. jazir Says:

    its been said that might be the actual release of the firmware to the public also. we’ll see

  7. iphoneinator Says:

    that’s what apples Australian site said a while back! “coming June 27th”

  8. iphoneinator Says:

    wait does this mean this will be the final release to devlopers or to everyone?

  9. Marc C. Says:

    according to Australia, everyone

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