Aug 27
I’ve had some users on iPhoneFreakz who have this problem with firmware 2.0+. The solution for this will require you to do some hacking but i’ll guid you through it. First you will need to make sure you have Cydia and that your device has been Pwned (WinPwn, QuickPwn or PwnageTool). Then you will need to install OpenSSH from Cydia.
» Error – You must first connect to iTunes with an Internet connection to enable YouTube
Aug 20
Zibri is back lately. First he announced a new version of his Ziphone software and now he responds to the iPhone-Dev team QuickPwn release.
Let me tell you something about the columbus egg and quickpwn.
Quickpwn works exactly on the same principle of ZiPhone:it creates a ramdisk and executes it. In the crafted ramdisk a patcher modifies the OS for activation. It’s conceptually a good work (ZiPhone was indeed a good work).
» Ziphone update (Zibri speaks QuickPwn)
Jul 29
Customize, a lot of people their favorite application to mod your iPhone with all sorts of themes and other graphical goodies, has been ported to firmware 2.0. Yaaay :). Customize is now compatible with Firmware 2.0! There are still a couple of bugs (About page and Comments still not working), but all the good stuff is in there. You can
» Cydia/Installer – Customize available
Jul 20
Before you upgrade think about this. Although Cydia is installed with PwnageTool 2.0 there are no App’s available just yet. If you love your 1.1.X app’s i do not recommend to upgrade for now. In the next couple of days developers will start to release updated versions of their popular apps.
» Warning with Firmware 2.0 upgrade
Jul 20
Here’s the process for all us Windows users who want to upgrade to firmware 2.0. It involves WinPwn and a custom firmware. Check out my winpwn guide here.
» No WinPwn but a Pwnage Windows Solution
Jul 18
Several users have been reporting a very sluggish firmware 2.0 interface. They have noticed this exceptionally well within the txt application, scrolling and the home screen. The users have noticed this with the iPhone V1 and iPhone 3G. Hit the read more button for some vids.
» iPhone firmware 2.0 slowness?
Jul 17
A new day a new update on the blog of the iPhone Dev-Team. This time they talk about safe code. The reason why the release takes so long is due to Apple releasing a update (B103) to firmware 2.0. The Dev-Team is currently testing all known firmware versions with all iPhone versions. By delaying the release they found 1 bug with App Store and Installer applications. PwnageTool will not support 3G unlocking or BootNeuter on the 3G device. Read the full article after the break.
» iPhone Dev-Team update (pwnagetool 2.0)