WordPress For iOS Updated With Redesigned New User Experience

Wordpress for iOS has been updated to version 3.6 and comes with a completely redesigned user experience, a faster way to post, performance improvements, updated translations and some fixes. With WordPress for iOS, you can moderate comments, create or edit posts and pages, view stats, and add images or videos with ease. All you need is a WordPress.com blog or a self-hosted WordPress.org site running 3.1 or higher.
What’s New in Version 3.6
• A completely redesigned new user experience
• A faster way to post: added a shortcut on the sidebar
– Fixed a problem with Tumblr imported blogs
– Emoticons now appear correctly on notifications
– Performance improvements for notifications
– Updated translations: now also in Russian, Danish, and Korean
Via [FSM]
\\ tags: ios, iOS App, update, Version 3.6, wordpress