Jun 01

SlideAway allows you to access the apps you use the most without having to unlock the device. You can customize the two shortcuts on the left and on the right side of the bar and you can bring up the Slide Up Dock by actually sliding up the bar. You can adjust the brightness from the slider above the dock. You can choose between two dock styles: “Real Dock” will actually put a copy of your dock; “Custom Dock” will allow you to choose up to 5 different apps to put them in the dock. You can check the video after the break. » SlideAway: Access The Apps You Use The Most Without Having To Unlock The Device!

Apr 06

MuscleNerd just announced that ‘ The 4.3.1 issues (signal bars, etc) are fixed, but need a few days to test all devices + FW (again: not a new unlock! ) ‘ . This won’t be a brand new ultrasn0w, but an update to the existing one which will allow already unlocked iPhone users to update to iOS 4.3.1. » Ultrasn0w For iOS 4.3.1 To Be Released In A Few Days

Jan 02

Move LockScreen to Unlock is a new tweak in the Cydia Store that you can get via the modmyi repo. It let you unlock your iDevice by simply moving the lockscreen out of the way, instead of the iOS unlock slider, you can activate Move LockScreen via the Unlock settings. » Move LockScreen to Unlock: Move The Entire Lockscreen To Unlock Your iPhone

Oct 15

These days there are so many jailbreak and unlock tools for your iDevice, that it can be a pain to find out what tools are capable of jailbreaking/unlocking your iDevice. Well for the guys that don’t know what tools to use there is a wizard to help users find the correct jailbreak tool for their iDevice. Check out the wizard here. » iDevice Jailbreak And Unlock Wizard [jailbreak]

Oct 11


Sharif Hashim who is brain surgeon and hacker found a weakness in the last baseband version, which makes it possible to create an unlock for baseband 05.14.02 on the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS and baseband 02.10.04 of the iPhone 4. Sharif Hashim will not release the unlock till the release of iOS 4.2, so we have to wait a little longer.

Aug 04

ultrsn0w 1.0-1
A view days ago I told you that the Dev Team is planning to release a unlock for the iPhone 4 within two days after some final tests. Now two days later they released the unlock to the public, its called ultrasn0w 1.0-1. Its made for baseband 01.59.00 which is used for iOS 4.0 and iOS 4.0.1 on the iPhone 4. Ultrasn0w 1.0-1 can also be used to unlock 3G/3GS basebands 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01 and 05.13.04. Thanks to a unlock you can make phone calls with any provider you want.

Aug 01

Some good news from planetbeing today, he created a unlock for the iPhone 4 and will be holding a test period of 48 hours. If everything works like planned, a unlock for the iPhone 4 will be released after the test period. It is already working, but planetbeing just need to do some finishing touches. We will let you know when planetbeing released the iPhone 4 unlock.

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