Thanks to a new iOS application it will not be necessary to unlock you Mac, using a password. Knock for iOS enables you to unlock your Mac by simply tapping you iPhone. “You keep your iPhone with you all the time. Now you can use it as a password. You never have to open the app— just knock on your phone twice, even when it’s in your pocket, and you’re in.” » Knock: Unlock Your Mac Using Your iPhone
Piano Passcode: Play The Piano To Unlock Your Device [jailbreak] [video]

A new tweak, called Piano Passcode, is now available in Cydia. This new tweak allows you to unlock your iOS device with beautiful music. Once you install the Piano Passcode tweak, your device will no longer require a 4-digit passcode. Instead you will be presented with a paino keyboard and all you have to do is press the keys ( configured by you ) to play some music and unlock your device. » Piano Passcode: Play The Piano To Unlock Your Device [jailbreak]
The iPhone 5 will finally be sold through T-Mobile starting on April 12. This iPhone 5 is a modified version of the A1428 iPhone 5 that is currently produced other networks such as AT&T. The new version of the A1428 has been tweaked on the hardware side by Apple to support Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) bands for T-Mobile’s network. Current iPhone 5 A1428 models can not be updated to add AWS support and will be notably slower on T-Mobile’s network. » T-Mobile Will Get iPhone 5 With AWS Support On April 12
Stride: Fully Customizable Gesture Unlock System For Jailbroken iPhones [jailbreak]

App Store developer Adam Bell released a new and unique tweak for jailbroken iPhones, called “Stride”. With Stride unlocking your iOS Device just got a whole lot cooler. Never again do you need to worry about entering some lengthy password, or are limited to 9 points on a grid. Simply draw your password. That’s it. » Stride: Fully Customizable Gesture Unlock System For Jailbroken iPhones [jailbreak]
iPhone DevTeam Working On An iPhone 4S Unlock

MuscleNerd has announced that they have an iPhone 4S unlock in the making. “Crazy Thanksgiving weekend! Very promising 4S unlock ( is in the works (Not i4, just 4S..that is crazy part)“. » iPhone DevTeam Working On An iPhone 4S Unlock
Gizmodo reported that it will be possible to Unlock your iPhone 4S without a jailbreak or any other 3rd party adapters like the geveySIM, and we will share it with you. There are some downsides to this Unlock method, since you need to repeat this process everytime you reboot your iPhone and it hasnt been tested with international iPhone 4S users. Check out the how to and a video of a Unlocked iPhone 4S after the break. » Unlock Your iPhone 4S Without Jailbreak [How To]
ih8sn0w has just updated sn0wbreeze to v2.8b3 with support for iOS5b2. The new update comes with the following changelog:
- Now jailbreaks iOS 5 (beta 2)
- Intended for developers ONLY!
- Does not Hacktivate or add afc2 in this release to prevent piracy.
- iPhone 3GS old bootrom users have an untethered boot.
- Now only 15MB » Sn0wbreeze Updated To v2.8b3 With Support For iOS5b2