May 20

Intelliscreen received a update to version 0.81.
The app has a some cool new features.
Let me walk you throught the changelog:

– Use multiple email accounts
– Add custom rss feeds to news ( rss feed ? :))
– Informs the user when mail auto-check is disabled
– 24h time format
– BBC has been added to the default news feed
» Intelliscreen 0.81 (updated to version 0.82)

May 16

PhoneZap 1.2.2

iPhone Apps3 Comments »      Chris Eissens

Our friends from Nullriver sofware (the creators of the installer) have released another fun little app.
PhoneZap is a iPhone/ iPod touch client for the phonezap community.

The app let’s you share picutures with geotagging, send txt messages, and let’s you create ringtones.

It feels a bit like twitter but you have the added ringtones feature.

 » PhoneZap 1.2.2

May 15

iLog 1.1.0

iPhone System1 Comment »      Chris Eissens

iLog has been updated to version 1.1.0.
Ilog is an enhanced version of the recent call manager of your iPhone. It allows you to delete individual call and sms logs.
It also allows you to group your calls.
The new version brings some very nice features that apple should have included in there standard os.
What’s new:
Integration into the recents screen in Mobile Phone app (only full version)
Allowing for notification of missed calls and SMS (every x minutes) only vibrate though, no sound;
You can select what time period you’d like to receive those notifications
Export your data into csv file
Delete al your call data and sms by 1 button
» iLog 1.1.0

May 14

Yesterday i told you guys about intelliscreen 0.7. check out this post for more screens.

It seems the developers are working hard to get this app out of beta as today we already have an update to version 0.8.

There are a ton of new features and fixes.

New features+ Screenshots ! :

– Any region outside us causes change to celcius (good one :) ), no (xxx)xxx)xxxx formatting for phone # and date)
» Intelliscreen 0.8 (updated with screenshots)

May 13

Intelliscreen is a new app developed by Intelliborn.

The app allows you to adjust your slide to unlock screen to host several useful bars.

* View Calendar, Email, Text Messages, News, Sports, and Weather from your iPhone “Slide To Unlock” screen
* Smooth scrolling across each item to quickly glimpse at your data
* Auto-Checks Email when you view the unlock screen – no need to “Refresh” from or wait 15 minutes
* Go directly to the application of your choice with a “Swipe”
* Precise International Weather (by Zip) provided by Weather
* News Feeds include Yahoo!, CNN, Fox News, and Reuters (more coming soon!)
* ESPN Sports Feeds include MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, NCAA Men’s Football and NCAA Women’s Basketball
» Intelliscreen 0.7

May 13

In my previous post i already briefly mentioned iToday.
so here is the first look on iToday.

Itoday is a application that will give you lot’s of information on your lock screen. It’s kinda the same as Kate (for which i’m writing a big review but it won’t be out untill later this week).
iToday display informations like missed call/sms, meteo and birthday and Video …
» iToday 0.1 (update with Weather icon)

May 12

BiteSMS 1.11

iPhone SystemNo Comments »      Chris Eissens

BiteSMS has been updated to version 1.11 today and 1.10 yesterday.

For a full review check this post.
There are no visual changes but some bugfixes.
The bugfixes are :
» BiteSMS 1.11

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