Aug 24

jailbreak iOS 5 Beta 6 Redsn0w
The Dev Team has released a new version of Redsn0w that is able to jailbreak iOS 5 Beta 6. Unfortunately it is an tethered jailbreak, which means you need to connect your iPhone to your PC everytime you want to turn on your iPhone. All download links can be found on the Official Dev Team blog, and iOS 5 Beta 6 is only available for Developers. Also there is not boot logo when you jailbreak your device. » Dev Team Released RedSn0w Tethered Jailbreak For iOS 5 beta 6!

Nov 03

Yesterday Apple Released iOS 4.2 Gold Master For Developers and it turns out Redsn0w 0.9.6b2 can jailbreak it. All you have to do is point redsn0w to the 4.1 IPSW instead of 4.2. If you are planning to jailbreak, make sure to uncheck the Cydia box, because many apps “including Cydia” need to be updated for 4.2. Unlockers should stay away.

Oct 08

Redsn0w 0.9.6b1 is a jailbreak tool that enables you to jailbreak the iPhone 3G and the second generation iPod Touch on iOS 4.1 or 4.0. This tool was already available for the Mac but the iPhone Dev Team has updated Redsn0w which makes it compatible with Windows. Windows users and Mac users can download Redsn0w from the Dev Team blog. » Redsn0w Available For Windows [jailbreak]

Sep 21

A beta version of redsn0w, version 0.9.6b1 has just been released by the Dev-Team. Redsn0w, version 0.9.6b1 enables you to jailbreak the iPhone3G and iPod Touch 2G on iOS 4.1 or 4.0. At this point redsn0w 0.9.6b1 is only available for OS X users, but most likely iH8sn0w will be working on a jailbreak for the Windows user. » Redsn0w 0.9.6b1: Jailbreak iOS 4.1/4.0 On iPhone 3G & iPod Touch 2G

May 26

redsn0w-0.9.5 beta 4Today a new version of Redsn0w has been released, Redsn0w 0.9.5b4. This new version of Redsn0w is created for developers that use iPhone OS 4.0 Beta 4. Beta 5 is probably coming very soon, so if you would like to try this jailbreak for Beta 4 before Beta 5 is released, you better be quick. You can download Redsn0w for Beta 4 here.

Jan 13

redsn0wThere was a found website called No one knows for sure what it is, but there is a lot of guesses as to what this might be. We all know that yellowsn0w was the Dev Teams 3G unlock program, so could this be a iPod Touch 2G Jailbreak!? We sure hope so! But, we’ll keep you updated as to what we here. » What is Redsn0w!?