Sep 14

BGR received some information from a trusted source surrounding upcoming release of iOS 5 that could help pinpoint a more specific launch time frame for the iPhone 5. They have been told that iOS 5 beta 8 will not be released until this Friday. Beta 8 will be the last Beta version before the public release “GM version” of iOS 5, which will be introduced around September 23rd and will be released around October 5th. » iOS 5 Beta 8 Will Be Released This Friday, Final Release On The 23rd & iPhone 5 Will Be Released Early October

Nov 05

iOS 4.2 is coming soon. There is no reason for Apple to delay the public release, because iOS 4.2 Gold Master has been released to developers a view days ago and no one reported any major bugs or issues. So? When will Apple release it? » iOS 4.2 Coming These Days