Oct 27

Codify for iPad lets you create games and simulations — or just about any visual idea you have. Turn your thoughts into interactive creations that make use of iPad features like Multi-Touch and the accelerometer. We think Codify is the most beautiful code editor you will use, and it is easy. Codify is designed to let you touch your code. Want to change a number? Just tap and drag it. How about a color, or an image? Tapping will bring up visual editors that let you choose exactly what you want. » Codify: Create Games & Simulations On The iPad

Jun 25

De website Mac Developer Tips started with a tutorial on how to develop applications for the iPhone. The course is split up in 4 categories (Objective-C, Cocoa, iPhone SDK and Xcode). Each topic is divided in to subchapters as it’s simply not possible to teach users all this information in just 1 article.
» Learn to program for the iPhone.

Apr 19

Ok, this has to be the longest title i have ever written!
But it is actually correct.

Project mono is a ambitious project that will enable us to run .net, java, python and visual basic apps on almost any platform.

and yes, our beloved iPhone will also be able to do it.
The program is still in early beta stages, but a simple ‘hello mono’ app is already working.

check out the movie.
» Run .net, java, python and Visual basic.net apps on your iPhone/iPod Touch with Project mono