Aug 14

This iOS support matrix (Autumn 2012 edition) posted by app developer Empirical Magic is definitely a useful resource for developers, the chart shows the number of devices running certain versions of iOS, and makes recommendations for dropping support in future updates.

Feb 23

OnLive Desktop has been launched last month and is a service that provides a seamless, no-compromise, instant-response cloud-based PC desktop, wherever and whenever you want it. OnLive brings to your iPad a high-performance PC experience, regardless of the content, even when interacting with fast-action media.

Macrumors reported that: The company has now added Adobe Acrobat Reader support to the service and introduced a paid “Desktop Plus” subscription service to provide enhanced functionality including priority access and a Flash- and PDF-enabled browser experience. OnLive Desktop Plus is priced at $4.99 per month. » OnLive Launches Desktop Plus: With Flash & PDF-Enabled Web Browser

Jul 03

JailbreakMe 3.0 will be released soon and is able to jailbreak the iPad 2 on iOS 4.3.3. But While in beta testing it has been leaked by one of the private beta testers. “JailbreakMe 3.0 is almost ready and release seems imminent. The delay in  release is due to unionfs which comex wanted to get on JailbreakMe 3.0 to make jailbreak process faster. During the private beta testing phase, one of the private beta testers has leaked the iPad 2 jailbreak on iOS 4.3.3-4.3 before the official release. The video uploaded on Youtube demonstrates iPad 2 jailbreak on iOS 4.3 using JailbreakMe 3.0.” Check the movie after the break. » JailbreakMe PDF Files To Jailbreak iPad 2 Has Been Leaked!

Mar 06

screenshot_additional_3GoodReader is a new application developed by Goodiware.Good Reader is more than just another viewer of files. It has some cool features not found in other viewer applications. Want a license? Leave a comment!
» GoodReader (pdf reader that allows opening big files) – App Store

May 20

Docs got another update .. it’s now on version 1.11

The developer fixed some bugs and added some features.

The full changelog is :

-Fixed bug where if saved folder no longer ixists, app connot find any files and no longer has “…” available. (Thank you Bart Elsman).

– Added preference to only show supported file types rather than all files. Defaults to off.
» Docs 1.11

May 18

Docs 1.1 has been released and it brings a ton of updates.
The app now supports inline previews of your documents, no longer needed to start Safari to view a doc!
A completely rewritten gui, which i think is very nice.
And last but not least the option to play media files via AVPLAYER.
» Docs 1.1 (extensive guide)

May 12

I’m very happy to announce this little app.
Docs is a a front end for locally stored documents on the iPhone so that you can read them easily.
It’s very similar to “Wild Eyes” app except it’s better because with Wild Eyes, you must install a local web server such as apache or lighttpd. And i know that a lot of people had some serious issues with these.
» Docs : View your documents on your iPhone (doc, pdf, xls)