Apple has started offering theĂ‚ Back to School promo for U.K. customers. The new promotionĂ‚ started today, just as the U.S. promotion ended. » Apple Back to School promo for U.K. customers
iFixit has dissasembled the second generation iPod Touch along with the new Nano, and have revealed that the iPod Touch 2G has a bluetooth chip built in! They haven’t determined yet whether it supports stereo headphones. » Bluetooth chip found in the iPod Touch 2G
A recent interview with Steve Jobs conducted by CNBC covers Jobs’ views on the recent “Let’s Rock” event, along with many other questions that people have been asking concerning bugs in the iPhone firmware and Steve’s health conditions. » CNBC Video Interview with Steve Jobs
iLounge claims to have the demensions of the new iPod nano and iPod touch. They do somewhat match some descriptions we have been seeing. Keep reading to see the leaked demensions and a brief description. » New iPod nano and iPod touch demensions revealed?