Oct 17
MuscleNerd from the Dev-Team posted an interesting tweet on his Twitter page, saying it will be possible to jailbreaks all future A4 firmware’s. “Think we’ve figured out a way to extend PwnageTool+limera1n+@comex hacks to untethered JBs for all future A4 firmwares” says MuscleNerd. » Untethered Jailbreaks For All Future A4 Firmware’s [jailbreak]
Oct 15
We told you that Limera1n is only available for Windows users but will soon be available for Mac and Linux users as well. Well GeoHot just released his new jailbreak tool “Limera1n” for the Mac. You can download the Mac and Windows version from the quickpwn website.
Oct 10
The Dev-Team decided to delay the release of Greenpois0n because GeoHot just released Limera1n one day before the Dev-Team decided to release Greenpois0n. They delay the release of Greenpois0n because they don’t want to use the Shatter exploit anymore, but instead they will use the same exploit as GeoHot uses in Limera1n. They do this because they hope this way the SHAtter exploit “which only can be used for the A4 chip” can be used for the next gen iDevices as well. » Greenpois0n Delayed Because Of Limera1n Release [jailbreak]
Oct 09
Limera1n Beta 3 has just been released by GeoHot which adds support for new bootrom iPhone 3Gs that was previous unsupported. Till now Limera1n is only available for Windows users but will soon be available for Mac and Linux users as well.
Jul 10
George Hotz aka GeoHot just announced on his blog that he just jailbroke the iPhone 4. But before you get all excited, GeoHot said “As far as a release goes, it probably won’t happen from me”. But later on his blogpost he wrote “please don’t ask for release dates. Every person that does makes me want to release a little bit less.”. So it looks like he has some plans on releasing limera1n, but we probably have to wait a little longer. We will keep you updated.
Apr 26
Some of you may have heard something about Thunderst0rm and turbo2sn0w which supposed to be new jailbreak tools. Well they are fake. But Geohot is working on a new project called Limera1n. What this project is about, is not known yet, but it will probably be a new jailbreak tool for OS 4.0 and iPads. We will keep you informed when we know more. Also don’t forget to check out limera1n.com once in a while.