Nov 28

The JailbreakCon team has just announced the date and location for their next big event: WWJC 2013. Via their official Twitter account they announced that WWJC 2013 will be held in New York and will take place on August 23rd and 24th. They have chosen a venue, but did not release exact details yet. » WWJC 2013 Set For New York On 23rd & 24th Of August

Oct 01

The iOS hacker pod2g took the stage at JailbreakCon this weekend, where he explained how he came up with Absinthe, his iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak. But the question that was on everybody’s mind was “when are you coming up with an iOS 6 jailbreak”. » Pod2g At JailbreakCon, Said That There Is No iOS 6 Jailbreak