Jan 15

Apple iPodsNot too long after the release of the iPhone 3G, Apple Inc. produced the iPod Touch 2G. This version of the iPod Touch is supposed to have more iPhone-like features. For example, the volume controls with the built-in speakers. This is for having more fun with applications with sounds, and also casual listening. The difference, as you can tell from the title of the device, is the phone features, of course. Overall the iPod Touch 2G is the closest of the iPod family to be compared to a iPhone. Is the 2.0 software the MAIN part of the attraction of the iPhone 3G? Yes it is a great feature having the App Store, but the customers like the physical features of this Apple phone. The sleek round design calls for an OOO and a couple AWWs. Apple has also brought this design to the new iPod Touch. I personally think this is a great feel to the hand Your hand snugs the device so comfortably its amazing. Overall, if you want to compare the iPhone 3G and the iPod Touch 2G, there’s really no difference besides the fact the iPhone is a phone :) » iPhone 3G Vs. iPod Touch 2G

Nov 23

If we watch the Apple commercials regarding the iPod Touch 2nd gen 1 thing is very clear. Appme promotes the iPod touch as a gaming device! A new reason for this has appeared by the guys from Handheld Games Corp. To optimize their new game TouchSport Tennis they had to compile different versions for every device.
» 2nd Gen iPodTouch more performant than iPhone

Sep 26

A new update on the blog of the iPhone Dev Team has appeared. I won’t discuss this in detail but i’ll give you the full post so you can make up your own mind. While we continue working on the two current remaining challenges from Apple (the iPhone 3G soft unlock and iPod Touch 2G jailbreak…see the end of this post), we’re also watching the latest beta releases from Apple.
» iPhone-Dev Team on Firmware 2.2

Sep 09

Apple presented the new iPod Touch today duraping Steve’s ‘let’s rock’ keynote. What’s different about it? Well first of all, it doesn’t include GPS :(, but it does has a whole lot of new features. To start, the new iPod Touch is much thinner and it does look curved much like the iPhone 3G. The iPod Touch now has volume controls just like the iPhone.
» iPod Touch 2nd Gen specs

Sep 07

A new image has been circulating on the net which shows the iPod Touch 2G. Besides the earlier rumors of having a GPS, the purposed new device would include a 2MP camera, 3 side buttons for music player functions a removable battery and a aluminium back. This new image is most probably a big fake as the source is not really trustworthy. But here’s the image:
» Rumors – iPod Touch 2G

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