Jun 10
Twitterrific is a fun application that lets you both read and publish posts or “tweets” to the Twitter community website. Yesterday it has been announced on the Apple WWDC as one of the apps that will be in the appstore.
» Twitterific for the AppStore (iPhone 3G, Firmware 2.0)
May 14
The CEO of Intel Germany Hannes Schwaderer announced that there will be 2 new iphones on WWDC, one with a bigger screen and one with 3G.
During the celebration of Intels 40th aniversary in Germany the local CEO talked about the new iPhones:
The new iPhone will use the newest Intel Atom chip and will be a little bigger then the current model.
» Steve Jobs is going to show 2 new iPhones ?
May 02
With all the rumors coming and going, one starts to doubt about every new rumor that rises.
However sometimes a rumor pop’s up that sounds credible.
I do believe that this rumor might be true.
An image has been released on the web and it shows the iPhone2 new dimensions.
So what’s new and what changes?
The tapering is the first thing you see, it’s the curve of the edges on the iPhone.
The second screen shows us the new positioning of the sensors (light, proximity and probably a new one which might be the second camera)
» Iphone 3G new dimensions
Mar 26
The following news just got posted on Macrumors.com.
Gartner analyst Ken Dulaney claims to have heard “from sources in Asia” that Apple has placed a 10 million unit order for 3G iPhones, according to an interview by the iPod Observer.
This order for 10 million 3G iPhones would reportedly be above and beyond the original 10 million Apple had planned to sell of the initial version of the iPhone in 2008.
» 3G iPhone coming in the next few months?