Apr 09
iPhone OS 4.0 “Beta” has just been released yesterday and today @MuscleNerd from the iPhone Dev Team already uploaded a movie on YouTube showing a jailbroken OS 4.0. Its probably done with Spirit which is an userland-jailbreak and will work on all OS versions. The userland-jailbreak is an untethered jailbreak. » iPhone OS 4.0 Already Jailbroken [jailbreak]
Mar 18
Only 1 day after the presentation of Apple, The iPhone Dev Team confirmed that you can jailbreak Firmware 3.0. However, those using 3G yellowsn0w are facing some restraints, as their baseband will be modified, the team advises these users to wait for PwnageTool to create a custom IPSW that avoids the baseband update. Read the full article after the break.
» Dev Team: Jailbreak Firmware 3.0 is possible
Jan 05
If your like me, then you’ve probable wondered “How does the iPhone Dev. Team hack the iPhones, even though Apple Has tried to STOP it!?” Well, wonder no more! The video link below is a video that the Dev. Team has released, showing how they Jailbreak and Unlock the iPhone. WARNING: This video contains high intelligence to watch. If you get “D”s in School, do NOT watch this Film! Just Kidding! But this video is over a hour long, so make sure you have plenty of time to watch it, Video Inside! ENJOY!!! » Things that make you go Hmm!
Nov 23
The iPhone Dev team released another update on their blog. They’ve update PwnageTool and QuickPwn so you can unlock + jailbreak your first gen iPhone + iPod Touch with firmware 2.2. However they are warning users with iPhone 3G’s to not use the QuickPwn for now. Thanks to the dev-team again for releasing updates in such short notice!!! See the full list of information after the break.
» Jailbreak + unlock firmware 2.2 available
Nov 20
As stated on their blog, it seems that the guys from the iPhone Dev Team are very close now to the 3G software unlock. Hit the break to see the video.
» iPhone Dev Team News: The silicon chip inside her head…
Oct 30
The iPhone-Dev team just put a new message on their blog. They announced that firmware 2.2 is still unlockable for the iPhone 2G and it still let’s you jailbreak your iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G and iPod Touch. The official word is:The second beta of firmware version 2.2 has been out for a few days.  It looks like Apple still doesn’t have a fix for devices already prone to the pwnage jailbreak and unlock.
» Firmware 2.2 still unlockable (iPhone 2G) and Jailbreakable.
Sep 26
A new update on the blog of the iPhone Dev Team has appeared. I won’t discuss this in detail but i’ll give you the full post so you can make up your own mind. While we continue working on the two current remaining challenges from Apple (the iPhone 3G soft unlock and iPod Touch 2G jailbreak…see the end of this post), we’re also watching the latest beta releases from Apple.
» iPhone-Dev Team on Firmware 2.2