Sep 24

TechCrunch reported that Apple is going after people with experience working on Google Maps to develop its own product. According to TechCrunch’s source “Apple is pursuing a strategy of luring away Google Maps employees who helped develop the search giant’s product on contract, and many of those individuals seem eager to accept due in part to the opportunity Apple represents to build new product, instead of just doing “tedious updates” on a largely complete platform.» Apple Recruiting Ex-Google Maps Employees To Build Out iOS Maps

Oct 29

Already since the first iPhone back in 2007 we make use of an Apple-built Google Maps application to provide users with a quick glance at driving directions, traffic, route guidance, current location information, and details about destinations. But it looks like Apple has way bigger plans for the future, Apple now went one step further in their obvious pursuit of a completely in-house mapping solution and acquired a 3D mapping firm called Poly9 “as you can see above”. Check out after the break for 3D mapping videos and more information. » Apple Acquired Mind-Blowing 3D Mapping Company C3 Technologies To Take iOS Maps To The Next Level