Dec 24

The year is almost over, so it is time to look back at what made this year great. 2011 was a barrier breaking year for mobile innovation, and was the year mobile took over the world. And just because of that, mobile dictated tech trends in 2011. View full infographic after the break. » Top Tech Trends Of 2011 [infographic]

Dec 21

Amazon has come a long way from *just* being the worlds largest bookseller. This year alone the company has launched three new products or service offerings that challenge the market dominance of an established player.Check out the full inforgraphic where Amazon is challenging rivals for marketshare in the consumer and enterprise spaces after the break. » Amazon vs The World [Infographic]

Dec 12

Over the last three years, app development has come a long way, for better and for worse. Some developers have been there for the whole ride, and have some interesting thoughts to share as a result. In the infographic after the break you can see their thoughts about how to make a successfull app. So if you are planning to create an iPhone app yourself, make sure to check out the infographic after the break before you start. » How To Build A Successful App For iOS [infographic]

Dec 08

Have you ever wondered who would win between the Angry Bird and Doodle Jump character. Wonder no longer. finally answers the life long questions of who would win between app heroes in the infographic “App Hero vs. App Hero” after the break. In the infographic they are judging the apps by four categories: speed, skill, strength, and smarts, including games such as Defen-G, Battleground, Angry Birds, Doodle Jump, Gun Bros, Warmen, Zombie Highway, Zombieville USA 2, Jet Pack Joyride, and Rocket Riot. » App Hero vs App Hero [infographic]

Dec 07

The iPhone Ecolution is an infographic designed by the Dutch website ToptienMobiel, the iPhone evolution infographic shows the release dates of all the iPhones that Apple has released, how many iPhones were sold on the first weekend after the release and other interesting data. Check out the full info graphic after the break. » The iPhone Evolution [infographic]

Nov 23

With Apples market cap having recently hit $370bn, it is interesting to see how that figure compares to entire industries, as demonstrated in this info graphic from Check out the full info graphic after the break. » What Is Smaller Than Apple? [infographic]

Oct 13

xCubelabs created an interesting new infographic on Smartphone Usage. In this infographic they checked what we do with our Smartphone, such as app, internet and game usage. Check out the full infographic after the break. » Smartphone & Mobile App Usage [infographic]

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