Using a device like the new iPad allows you to merge many gadgets into one, streamlining your digital life. That is, when you have a tablet like the new iPad you no longer need other gadgets, such as an e-reader, laptop or iPod touch. Jump over the break to see the timeline of these gadgets, as well as what they are worth! » Streamlining Your Digital Life With The New iPad [infographic]
Apples iconic iPad has only been around for two years, yet it is already in its third generation. Take a look after the break to see how the new iPad compares with its predecessors. » iPad vs iPad 2 vs New iPad [infographic]
Apple is on the verge of capturing yet another lucrative market, and changing education as we know it… Or are they? Check out the full infographic after the break. Click the infographic after the break for a bigger view. » iPads vs Textbooks [infographic]
Can technology improve the education system in the United States? Take a look at this infographic for stats on US education and details on how tech (specifically Apple) can affect change for the better. Check out the full infographic after the break.
Why is the media focusing on Apple and not questioning any of the other electronics companies that manufacture with Foxconn in China? “Obviously, Apple has the money, the brand, the prestige, and it grabs attention. However, it is not like Apple can make gold from straw. Apple simply cannot build its products anywhere other than China.“
The enterprises are witnessing a transformation led by smartphones and Tablets. Mobility is slowly becoming a critical part of IT strategy. As employees and business processes go mobile, we tried to decode enterprise mobility, crunch numbers to present before you an informative infographic detailing out the technology used in enterprise mobility, industry verticals that are at the forefront of mobilizing its operations and why enterprises are adopting mobility solutions. Our enterprise mobility infographic also takes a look at the state of enterprise applications, the smartphone deployment approach by industries and how big brands are increasingly deploying apps. Check the full infographic after the break. » Enterprise Mobility Apps, Platforms and Devices [infographic]
This infographic provides information about Steve Jobs. It provides a timeline with a brief description of key points in his life. It also gives information about his company Apple Inc. Jump over the break to check out the full infographic. » Steve Jobs: Farewell To A Genius [infographic]