MacRumors found some evidence, Apple might just be considering adding a free level of MobileMe service iDevice owners on iOS 4.2. “The evidence comes in the form of a new private framework known as AppleAccounts.framework that includes a series of device-specific error messages referring to free MobileMe accounts. In particular, the error messages include alerts regarding having reached “the maximum number of free accounts” for a given device and certain devices not being “qualified for free MobileMe service.” » Free MobileMe Service For iOS 4.2 Users?
After weeks of waiting, the promised iDisk app for the iPhone is finally available for download. It’s free and handy. After the WWDC in June this year, Apple promised to release an iDisk app. Since the MobileMe software was renewed with new features (like finding your iPhone and the ability to erase all data via the internet without having your iPhone with you), many people expected Apple to release iDisk soon after it. We had to wait a little longer, but here it is and it’s looking good.
App Store – MobileFiles

QuickOffice, who became popular with their office programs for different mobile platforms, has released for the first time a new application for the iPhone. Unfortunately it’s not a ultimated Office-pack, but another very helpful tool called MobileFiles.
» App Store – MobileFiles
App Store – A.I.Disk – MobileMe iDisk connectivity to your iPhone

A new application has appeared in the App Store. A.I.Disk, is a new and much needed iPhone application that lets MobileMe subscribers access documents on the iDisk online storage service, and save them to their iPhone and iPod Touch. A.I. Disk allows people to view saved files and documents on the go and even email friends and colleagues.
» App Store – A.I.Disk – MobileMe iDisk connectivity to your iPhone