Aug 15

iphone-4-gui photoshop
If you are planning to create a iPhone application or maybe a iPhone optimized website, you probably would like to see how it will look like before you create it. This free iPhone 4 GUI Photoshop file “20 MB” helps you create a professional app design without any programming skills. It includes all the icons and buttons you need and is in high resolution, specially for the iPhone 4. You can download this Photoshop file at teehanlax for free but they do except donations.

Aug 21

The iPhone-Dev Team updated their blog with a new blog-post. They announced a new version of QuickPwn that supports firmware 2.0.2. One big difference is that the tool now has the GUI (graphical user interface) wrapped by default. How does it work? Hit the read more link for more information.
» New QuickPwn now supports firmware 2.0.2

May 24

I already wrote some things about FileBrowser the brainchild of Stephan Bayer.
It seems like he’s working day and night on this app…

Today i found version 1.7 (1.6) in the installer and it really adds a lot of new functions since my last review, it even add a txt editor, just like I requested in my previous post :)

You can set permissions, copy, unZip, paste and delete files. Edit and create txt documents. E-mail files from on your iPhone.

» FileBrowser 1.7 (how to)

May 20

Docs got another update .. it’s now on version 1.11

The developer fixed some bugs and added some features.

The full changelog is :

-Fixed bug where if saved folder no longer ixists, app connot find any files and no longer has “…” available. (Thank you Bart Elsman).

– Added preference to only show supported file types rather than all files. Defaults to off.
» Docs 1.11

May 19

I wrote you guys about FileBrowser 1.1 a few days ago, well it seems that Stephan Bayer is unstoppable for the moment, he released version 1.2 this morning and this evening version 1.3. UPDATE to version 1.4 check updated down

What’s new in version 1.2 ?
I briefly updated the original post this morning.
The Settings now allow you to change the HOME directory to your preference and the app now let’s you patch Safari automatically to open local files like (pdf, doc and xls)
» Filebrowser 1.3/1.4 let’s you copy, edit, paste and search your iPhone

May 18

Docs 1.1 has been released and it brings a ton of updates.
The app now supports inline previews of your documents, no longer needed to start Safari to view a doc!
A completely rewritten gui, which i think is very nice.
And last but not least the option to play media files via AVPLAYER.
» Docs 1.1 (extensive guide)

May 07

RemoteNote has been upgraded to version 1.0.1.
It has improved nicely, remotenote now supporst a password and username.
When you open up the app for you can change the username and password to your preferenceds.
Standard pass and username are remotenote.
When you open remotenotes on your pc/mac it will now ask you that username and password before you can proceed editing the notes.
When you login you will notice that the gui has been rewritten. I must say it’s very nice.
One other thing that has been improved is the unicode support for more languages.
» RemoteNote1.0.1

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