G-Form, a company well known for delivering the most extreme electronics cases and athletic pads, launched an iPhone 5 in the company’s XTREME iPhone 5 case into space and then let it free-fall back to Earth. Check out the video after the break. » iPhone 5 Case Protects Device From 100,000 Foot Free Fall
G-Form, a company well known for delivering the most extreme electronics cases and athletic pads, launched an iPad clad solely in the companys 6oz Extreme Edge case into space and then let it free-fall back to Earth. The company released a stunning hi-def video Thursday where the nearly naked iPad is shown hanging above the Earth in the blackness of space. In the video, the iPad is lifted to over 100,000 feet by a weather balloon which bursts at altitude, then releasing the iPad to free-fall to Earth where it crash lands on a rocky hillside in the Nevada countryside. » iPad Survives 100,000+ Foot Fall From Space Near Area 51