Jan 07
G-Form, a company well known for delivering the most extreme electronics cases and athletic pads, launched an iPhone 5 in the company’s XTREME iPhone 5 case into space and then let it free-fall back to Earth. Check out the video after the break. » iPhone 5 Case Protects Device From 100,000 Foot Free Fall
Oct 20
A video popped up on the internet showing the Earth from 19 miles up in the stratosphere shot with an iPhone 4. In the video you see the curvature of the earth and the blackness of space, which looks amazing. The iPhone came from a father and son from Brooklyn, New York who released a weather balloon 100,000 feet in the air to take a video of the Earth from space. » iPhone 4 In Space
Jun 16
Google just released Google Earth 3.0 which is full iPad compatible. It got full-resolution imagery and they added a road layer to the iPhone 3GS and iPad. Navigation and tilt are easier to use than on the iPhone and of course it is looking much better on the large iPad screen. Google Earth 3.0 is available for free for the iPad, iPhone and iPod. » Google Earth 3.0 On The iPad