Databinge (Hon Cheng) released updates to his popular moleskine and TimeCapsule applications. moleskine v0.51b1 & TimeCapsule v0.42b1. moleskine just adds a bugfix (crash when tap on the 1st row in an empty folder). TimeCapsule adds some fixes and changes. More after the break.
» moleskine v0.51b1 & TimeCapsule v0.42b1 updates released
Moleskine v0.50b1 & TimeCapsule v0.41b1 & WildEyes! v0.20b1 released for the iPhone

Databinge released 3 updates to his very popular applications. Moleskine v0.50b1 & TimeCapsule v0.41b1 & WildEyes! v0.20b1. Moleskine is a notes application for the iPhone. TimeCapsule is a backup application for the iPhone and WildEyes for Safari let’s you view all your documents within safari. I’ll go into more detail after the break.
» Moleskine v0.50b1 & TimeCapsule v0.41b1 & WildEyes! v0.20b1 released for the iPhone
Docs 1.11

Docs got another update .. it’s now on version 1.11
The developer fixed some bugs and added some features.
The full changelog is :
-Fixed bug where if saved folder no longer ixists, app connot find any files and no longer has “…” available. (Thank you Bart Elsman).
– Added preference to only show supported file types rather than all files. Defaults to off.
» Docs 1.11
Docs 1.1 has been released and it brings a ton of updates.
The app now supports inline previews of your documents, no longer needed to start Safari to view a doc!
A completely rewritten gui, which i think is very nice.
And last but not least the option to play media files via AVPLAYER.
» Docs 1.1 (extensive guide)
Docs : View your documents on your iPhone (doc, pdf, xls)

I’m very happy to announce this little app.
Docs is a a front end for locally stored documents on the iPhone so that you can read them easily.
It’s very similar to “Wild Eyes†app except it’s better because with Wild Eyes, you must install a local web server such as apache or lighttpd. And i know that a lot of people had some serious issues with these.
» Docs : View your documents on your iPhone (doc, pdf, xls)
View your documents (pdf,xls,doc,txt,etc) on your iPhone iPod with WildEyes

The guy from DataBinge that has brought us our favorite backup solution TimeCapsule is back with WildEyes for safari.
The program let’s you view all sorts of documents right in your Safari.
The app is usefull for viewing pdf, doc, docx, xls, slsx, txt files, images, html, htm, aif, mp3, m4v, mp4 and aac files !
I think most business people really needed an app like this!
Now this is a program that i was missing on my iPhone.
Let’s have a look at version 0.08b1
» View your documents (pdf,xls,doc,txt,etc) on your iPhone iPod with WildEyes