9to5mac informed us about a nice collection of Steve Jobs interviews on Chill.com. The collection “called The Ultimate Steve Jobs Collection” features interviews, keynotes, product demos, and rare company videos and was compiled by Scott Hurf. If you are a Steve Jobs fan or Apple fan this is a must see.
Demo Of Crysis On iPhone

Six days ago we saw a demo about the Unreal 3 engine running on an iPhone, but Steve Perlman, CEO of the OnLive service, has shown a demo of the popular game Crysis running on an iPhone. This game requires high-end computers to run properly, so how can the game be working as smooth as possible on an iPhone? OnLive managed to get this game to work on the iPhone by using the gameservers of OnLive. » Demo Of Crysis On iPhone
Engadget posted a couple of videos about the new iTunes 9 software. They’ll demo the new features, like the Home Sharing feature, and iPhone App Management feature. Watch the videos after the break.
Demiforce was one of the first guys who publicly stated that he was going to release a game in the iTunes app store.
About a month ago he posted a video on youtube demoing his game.
Today he released a first demo version onto installer.
Let’s have a look.
This was the original youtube video he released some time ago.
» TrismDEMO 0.3.19 available to download