App Store developer Adam Bell released a new and unique tweak for jailbroken iPhones, called “Stride”. With Stride unlocking your iOS Device just got a whole lot cooler. Never again do you need to worry about entering some lengthy password, or are limited to 9 points on a grid. Simply draw your password. That’s it. » Stride: Fully Customizable Gesture Unlock System For Jailbroken iPhones [jailbreak]
A new tweak has been released in Cydia, Aero. Aero is a new iOS app switcher for iOS, it comes with 6 animation styles ( Linear, CoverFlow, Cylinder, Rotary, Wheel and Time Machine ) and it is available for $1.99 in Cydia Store via the modmyi repo. Check a video of the Aero tweak after the break. » Aero: New iOS App Switcher Tweak [jailbreak]
Ryan Petrich has updated Activator to v1.6.2 and now supports iOS 5.1. There are also a view bug fixes and new features. “Activator is a centralized gesture, button and shortcut management system that allows you to customize your iOS experience.” » Activator v1.6.2 Now Supports iOS 5.1 [jailbreak]
The SwitcherLand tweak that has recently landed on the Cydia store, is introducing support for the alternative landscape orientation when the switcher tray has been invoked by the user. After installation, SwitcherLand extends the abilities of the switcher tray to support the alternative orientation but still stays true to the original functionality and contains the familiar media controls, Music app access and even a orientation lock option that allows the user to lock the device into landscape orientation. » SwitcherLand: Multitasking Switcher In Landscape Mode [jailbreak]
A new Tweak called “Bars” has been launched in the Cydia Store. Bars lets you you see more about your signal strength, without having to decode what an RSSI is. You still get the familiar five bars, but with an added bonus: if you have got 3.5 bars of signal, the fourth bar will be half full. » Bars: Gives Better Phone Signal Stats [Cydia]
Finally there’s a way to get push notifications from Cydia. The jailbreak tweak Aptdate makes this possible. This tweak will enable you to receive notifications when a new update for one of the Cydia-apps can be downloaded. The app should work with every repo there is and will be available for free anytime soon. A demo video after the break.
MuscleNerd is a well known jailbreaker and he has once again shown his face on Twitter. He claims to have jailbroken the new iPad. The third generation has only been available for a day, but jailbreaking the device has been successful. Don’t get your hopes up too high though. MuscleNerd says there’s still al lot of work to do before the jailbreak will be publicly available. He doesn’t know when, but it can’t be too long from now.