Oct 07

iOS developer Matthias Ringwald has released a new jailbreak tweak called BTC Mouse & Trackpad that allows you to control your iOS device with a Bluetooth mouse or trackpad and bluetooth keyboard at the same time. This way your iPad can be used more comfortable while at home or at work, perfect for writing long texts or when you gonna use your iPad for a long time. In the video above you can see a demonstration of the “jailbreak” tweak. » BTC Mouse & Trackpad: Control Your iOS Device With a Bluetooth Mouse or Trackpad [jailbreak]

Sep 26

iOS 6 has just been released, but many jailbreakers would like to wait before updating their iDevice to iOS 6 so they can keep enjoying their favorite jailbreak tweaks. Pod2g however just tweeted that he is not working on a jailbreak for iOS 6 “I’m not working on it ATM, sorry. I’m focusing on my job. Maybe discussions at #WWJC will generate ideas (?)” This means jailbreakers may have to wait a little longer before they can enjoy their tweaked iOS 6. » Pod2g: I’m Not Working On A Jailbreak For iOS 6

Sep 22

Grant Paul, aka Chpwn posted a tweet saying “Taller screens like Cydia too. :)” with a screenshot of the Cydia icon running on the iPhone 5. In a second tweet he posted a screenshot of the Cydia homepage on the iPhone 5. » iPhone 5 Jailbroken!

Jul 31

Dashboard X is an awesome widgets system for iOS. It works with existing notification center widgets (means: a huge selection is available) and places them on your home screen and a special dashboard screen (like in OS X!). Check Dashboard X out in Cydia! Compatible with all devices running iOS 5.0 and above! After the brek you can find a video of Dashboard X in action. » Dashboard X 2.0: iOS Home Screen Widgets [jailbreak]

Jul 03

New day, new tweak in Cydia. Aptdate checks the stock Cydia repos for updates in the background and alerts you if any of your packages require updating. Configurable via Settings.app. Aptdate is available in Cydia via modmyi repo. » Get Notifications When Updates Are Available In Cydia With The Aptdate Tweak [jailbreak]

Jun 18

Recently an app with the generic name “Display Recorder” made its way into Apple’s App Store. The app works very similarly to the popular Cydia package with the same name. Display Recorder from the App Store does however contain a few features that the Cydia counterpart lacks. The first noticeable difference is that the app records audio from the iPhone’s microphone and merges it with the recorded video. Secondly, the app records in a format that is instantly available to view on your device unlike the package from Cydia. Check out the video above to see the app in action. » Apple Allows (Previously Jailbreak Only) iOS Display Recorder App Approved For App Store

Apr 30

Quasar Cydia tweak is the very first window manager for iPad that allows you to run apps in windows. When you open an application it will be opened in a window, just like on your computer. “Quasar is fully integrated to default app switcher, if you kill an application from the app switcher it will kill its window and the application, but if you click the close button, only the window will close and the application will continue to run in the background.» Quasar: New Cydia Tweak, Run Apps In Multiple Windows On iPad [jailbreak]

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