Jul 10
The iPhone Dev-Team has released pictures on their blog of a hacked iPhone firmware v2.0 with icons of Installer, App Store and Cydia. I guess it won’t be long before we have the official firmware 2.0 unlocked and jailbroken. Jump the break to the screens.
» iPhone dev-Team show pictures of the First GEN iPhone with Installer + Cydia + App Store
Jun 02
Some days ago i had a very interesting meeting with the people from iPhoneClub.nl. We were mainly speculating what the iPhone is going to bring us in the near future, especially with firmware 2.0 and the appstore coming up. After talking for about an hour we decided it might be nice if we asked the developers their point of view regarding the upcoming appstore and the future of jailbreaking. After some quick decisions regarding the questions, I briefly wrote a e-mail addressed to several developers.
» iPhone developers talk about appstore and their applications