Oct 15

Extended Preferences is a new app in Cydia. What it is, is pretty self-explanatory and something that everyone loves to have- more ways to customize their phone and make it their own.
» Cydia – Extended Preferences

Oct 15

RailWater is a new game that appeared into Cydia a few days ago. RailWater 1.0 is the new variant of the classic tube game. You know the game in which you have to make sure that the water or liquid gets to it’s destination. Railwater adds a new feature to the classic game.
» Cydia – Railwater 1.0 game

Oct 11

Many of you surely remember the useful application TimeCapsule developed by hc, the developer who gave life to Moleskine . Well a few hours ago HC released Chronus in Cydia, a timecapsule version that is compatible with the firmware 2.X.
» Cydia – Chronus 2.1

Oct 11

Hi everyone. I want to know what apps from the App Store and Cydia you want to be reviewed. Let me know it in our Forum and I will try my very best to review the app you request.


Oct 02

A new application is now available in Cydia called Backgrounder, which leaves applications running even after you hit the home button. Traditionally, the iPhone will terminate an application after the home button is depressed to return to the home screen. Backgrounder, as the name implies, lets applications run in the background allowing you to return to them in the future. This ability is great for applications such as MobileCase for downloading podcasts in the background while you surf Safari or check Mail, or for instant messaging applications to continue to run like BeeJive. The downside is that your battery life will be quickly depleted.
» Backgrounder Adds True Multi-Tasking

Oct 01

wavearsLE is a 3D audio player by Sonic Emotion. The application is also being prepared to be releaesed in the Apple App Store. But as the developers didn’t want to wait any longer to give us this new music experience, they decided to release it in Cydia. What is so special about wavearsLE? wavearsLE plays your music in surround quality much like having a 5.1 headset.

» Sonic Emotion releases wavearsLE (3D audio player) – Cydia

Oct 01

Podcaster the application that got rejected from the App Store by Apple finally made it’s way on to Cydia. Podcaster is a application that allows you to subscribe, manage, stream and download podcasts directly to your iPhone and iPod Touch. According to many of you this application was high on your wanted list and today you have the chance to get it in Cydia.
» PodCaster released in Cydia!!

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