Dec 22

supermario64The first Nintendo 64 emulator, ‘N64iphone’, is now available in the Cydia Store. The first version (o.6.1) is pretty complete. It doesn’t support save states and landscape mode, but the emulator can be controlled with the touchscreen and the accelerometer as well as the Nintendo Wii Controller via Bluetooth.

» “N64iphone”: First Version Nintendo 64 Emulator Now Available [Jailbreak]

Nov 23

reloading1Cydia is a beautiful program with a lot of very cool plugins for your iPhone software, but it also has one big drawback: the reloading of data almost every time you restart Cydia. Well, there’s now a beautiful plugin for SBSettings to get rid of that drawback. It’s called ‘NoCyfresh’ and adds an icon to the SBSettings application. With one push on the icon the ‘Reloading Data’ pop-up will not show up anymore. » “NoCyfresh” Deactivates The Reloading Of Cydia [Jailbreak]

Nov 22

multiflow1MultiFl0w is a new application for the iPhone, available in Cydia soon. The app allows you to scroll through, previously opened, applications and see the apps in a row. The apps can be shown in full screen mode when you tap on the app you want to see. » “Multifl0w” Available In Cydia Soon [Jailbreak]

Nov 21

smartscreenA new Cydia application is now available for download. The app is called SmartScreen and has a free version with only 3 widgets and there’s a payed version that costs $5. Late September the app was announced. The app is for both the iPhone and iPod touch and enables you to show informationwidgets on your lockscreen. The have the same look and feel as the widgets from the Mac Dashboard.

» Two Versions Of SmartScreen In Cydia [Jailbreak]

Nov 18

dashboard-275Dashboard on the Mac means you have widgets. Those widgets can be a clock, a calendar, notes, the weather, a calculator and many more. It’s now also possible to have Dashboard on your iPhone. It’s called CrazyDashboard. The same kind of widgets can now run on your mobile phone. Keep in mind that  you must have a jailbroken iPhone in order to install Dashboard. » Mac Dashboard For Your iPhone: CrazyDashboard [Jailbreak]

Oct 24


In June the RipDev-Team announced to quit with Installer. They now announced they will quit entirely. The most important competitor of Cydia stops. Apps like Installer, Icy, Kate and Kali will never be updated again.

The RipDev-Team apologizes for quitting the support for payed applications. Their own Cydia repo will only be available for another year, but will not be updated if bugs are found. » RipDev-Team Quits

Oct 21

cydia-logoSince firmware 3.0 everybody has the ability to cut, copy and paste text and images. A developer had some ideas and developed a new application that offers more options. Keep in mind, you need to jailbreak your iPhone and install Cydia before you can install “Action Menu”.

» Jailbreak: “Action Menu” Adds More Cut, Copy And Paste Options

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