For those who did not yet notice, Cydia “an app store for jailbroken iOS devices” has received a new update. This update brings a new flat look, bright colors and translucent overlays in line with iOS 7. This comes just after the Evasi0n team released a jailbreak for iOS 7. The Cydia app icon however has not yet been updated to an iOS 7 look. A video of the new Cydia can be seen after the break. » Jailbreak App Cydia Updated With iOS 7 Design
Winocm Will Release iOS 6.1.3/6.1.4 Jailbreak Before 2014

In case you didn’t know, there is somebody working on the iOS 6.1.3/6.1.4 jailbreak. And that somebody is winocm. The hacker made an announcement earlier today via Twitter setting an ETA for the jailbreak – which ‘is before 2014′ – and he also asks people to be patient: “We are all trying to get things done as soon as possible.”. » Winocm Will Release iOS 6.1.3/6.1.4 Jailbreak Before 2014
Planetbeing On The iOS 7 Jailbreak: “May Have All The Pieces At This Point”

Planetbeing has tweeted a few hours ago to inform people that the evaders team is working on an iOS 7 jailbreak and that they might just have all the pieces of the puzzle. Planetbeing Tweet “We’re still working hard on the jailbreak. May have all the pieces at this point (but not certain yet).” » Planetbeing On The iOS 7 Jailbreak: “May Have All The Pieces At This Point”
Saurik has just announced Cydia Substrate for Android devices and is now available in Google Play. Right now, this is all experimental with only with the only packages available being ‘WinterBoard’ and ‘Recommended Packages’ and will not look anything like the iOS version. To install Cydia Substrate you will need to root your Android and it has been tested by developers on Android versions from 2.3 to 4.2. Check out a video of Cydia Substrate after the break. » Saurik Releases Cydia Substrate For Android
Piano Passcode: Play The Piano To Unlock Your Device [jailbreak] [video]

A new tweak, called Piano Passcode, is now available in Cydia. This new tweak allows you to unlock your iOS device with beautiful music. Once you install the Piano Passcode tweak, your device will no longer require a 4-digit passcode. Instead you will be presented with a paino keyboard and all you have to do is press the keys ( configured by you ) to play some music and unlock your device. » Piano Passcode: Play The Piano To Unlock Your Device [jailbreak]
Atom is a new upcoming Cydia tweak for iOS that allows you to customize the lockscreen by choosing your 6 favorite apps to display on the lockscreen for quick access. The tweak should be available in Cydia this week. Check out after the break to see a video preview of Atom. » Atom: Upcoming Tweak For iOS [jailbreak]
LockLauncher is a jailbreak tweak that lets you launch multiple apps at once from your lockscreen and has just been updated to version 2.0. The update includes several improvements, including iOS 6, iPhone 5 support and more. Check out after the break for a video demo from the LockLauncher developer, Akhil Tolani. » LockLauncher 2.0 Supports iOS 6 & iPhone 5 [jailbreak]