SpiritOfLogic, the people behind iRealSMS, PhotoAlbums+ and PwnTunes, released a new Cydia tweak called iTouchSecure. With iTouchSecure you won’t have to type in a single password more than once anymore. Once it recognised a password and stored it securely in the keychain, every time you click that same password entry and authenticate via Touch ID the password will be autofilled in. This works everywhere! AppStore, Facebook app, Safari, on websites and any other app. For more details, check out the video after the break.
This is a demonstration of Hands-Free Control™! Once enabled, Hands-Free Control™ is always listening to you in a low-power standby mode. There is no setup or voice training required! Just install and it is immediately running and fully functional. Once it hears you speak the keyword, either Siri (on the iPhone 4S or via Spire) or Voice Control is activated. It works great with headphones and bluetooth headsets! » iPhone 4S Hands-Free Control For Siri Demonstration [jailbreak]
UnFolder is a useful tweak for those of you who like to arrange and rearrange your Springboard folders. This tweak allows you to delete folders without having to take every single app out of them. Normally you would have to drag every app that you’ve put in there to your Springboard, the folder would close, you would have to reopen it, and start the whole process over. With UnFolder you can simply delete the folder, as you would with any application, and your apps will scatter, automatically, to your Springboard. UnFolder can be found for free in the Cydia Store.
PictureMe is a new tweak in the Cydia Store that gives you the features that iOS Camera is missing! PictureMe allows you to now have the ability to take multiple pictures at once and a timer feature! Everything looks native just as if apple were to make it! NOTE: No new icons are added to your homescreen. You can configure options from inside the Camera app. » PictureMe: Powerful Rapid-Shot & Timer For Camera.app
Cydia provides access to the latest software packages (including applications, themes, ringtones, and other modifications) exclusive to the jailbroken iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. But searching the right piece of software in your iPhone/iPod Touch can be a frustratingly slow experience. Cydia Search is a new and way faster way to find the software you are looking for by using your desktop browser. You can search by name, description, author, version number or one of the many other search options. Now you dont have to wait till Cydia is fully loaded before you can start searching. » Cydia Search: Easy & Fast Way To Search In The Cydia Store [jailbreak]
Graviboard is a tweak for your iDevice that adds a little bit of fun to your springboard. You can set up an activation method, activate it, and your icons will go all over the place. You can set different types of gravity to add and even and use your finger to drag and fling icons. You can get this tweak in the Cydia Store for $2,99 via the BigBoss repo. A second movie can be found after the break. » Add Gravity To Your iDevice SpringBoard Using Graviboard [jailbreak]
I wrote about FaceIT 3Gs “which enables FaceTime on the iPhone 3Gs” earlier today and it turns out its already available in the Cydia Store for Free. So add the repo http://apps.iphoneislam.com and download FaceIT 3Gs. Remember you need a iPhone 3Gs with iOS 4.1.