Feb 09

Infinity Blade: Dungeons was first announced back in in March of 2012 by Epic Games as a demo game on the third generation iPad and people got really excited ones they saw the game. The game was handed over to Impossible Studios, a new division housing ex-employees of Big Huge Games, but trouble first appeared in October of last year when the game was delayed until 2013. Unfortunately Infinity Blade: Dungeons has been put on hold indefinitely, as Epic Games has decided to shut down Impossible Studios. » Epic Games Closing Impossible Studios, “Infinity Blade: Dungeons” Put on Hold
Aug 02

As of today, visitors to MobileMe.com are no longer given the option to convert their accounts to iCloud or to retrieve old photos and files, with Apple now simply pointing users to iCloud. Apple also officially discontinued its iWork.com service, automatically redirecting visitors to the main Apple home page.
Nov 15

Apple released a note saying that the iTunes Connect section will be temporarily shut down from Thursday, December 22 to Thursday, December 29 for the winter holidays and during this shutdown, the following functionality will be unavailable, Access to iTunes Connect, The delivery of any apps or updates, Additionally, the following will be delayed:
Releases scheduled to appear on the App Store for the first time and Pricing changes scheduled through the interval pricing system in iTunes Connect. » iTunes Connect Shuts Down For Winter Holidays On December 22th Till 29th
Aug 10

Because of continuing violence in England, Apple and Apple resellers are forced to close their shops in multiple cities. For the past 3 days London, and other places in the UK are harassed by vandalism by young people. The story goes that they are angry at the police for shooting a 29 years old man, and this is their way of showing it. Unfortunaletly for the Apple fans in the UK, it will be more difficult to get your favorite Apple gadgets. » UK Apple Stores Remove Their Inventory Because Of Violence In England