Jun 09

iphone 4 camera photo
We all know by now that the new iPhone (4) includes a 5MP camera with a backside illuminated sensor. Thanks to this sensor its possible to shoot incredible low light details. As proof Apple is showing off some of the images shot with the iPhone 4 on Apple’s website and I have to say they look amazing. Of course they shot the pictures in ideal conditions, but still I am not sure if there is a other phone out there that can shoot this kind of images. Just look for yourself on Apple’s Website and you would understand what I mean.

May 20

iPod Touch Camera 1
Again a new prototype has shown up in Vietnam, first images of a new iPhone showed up in Vietnam, a little later pictures of a new Macbook reached the web and now the Vietnamese site Tinh Té has uploaded images and a video of a iPod Touch with a integrated 2MP camera. It has a 64GB capacity and runs some kind of test OS. You can check out the video and pictures after the break. We will keep you updated. » iPod Touch With 2MP Camera Shows Up In Vietnam

Dec 24

iphone-4g-cameraAccording to new rumors it is very likely the next generation, released next year, will have a 5 megapixel camera. OmniVision Technologies is said to produce around 20 million 5-megapixel sensors for the iPhone and next year it will be be even more: 40 to 45 million pieces. » “Next iPhone Has 5 Megapixel Camera”

Nov 23

video-downfall-hitler-ipod-touch-camera-0In our earlier post today we spoke about a possible release of an iPod touch with a camera. A lot of people can’t wait for an iPod touch with camera and it seems Hitler can’t wait as well. In the video below he seems very angry with the fact the Apple released the 3rd generation iPod touch without a camera.

» iPod touch Without Camera…Hitler Is Angry!

Nov 23

ipod touch cameraThe latest rumors about the iPod touch say that there will be a new version next spring. This time WITH a camera. » iPod touch With Camera Next Year?

Oct 29

iphonecameraThe iPhone production will be 20% higher then before due to the holiday season. This probably leads to a shortage of CMOS camera sensors from the manufacturer OmniVision Technologies.

» Possible iPhone Camera Sensors Shortage Because Of Holiday Season

Sep 13

ipod touch camera 2It seems the most convincing proof of Apple planning a camera module in the 3rd Gen iPod touch, has been provided by a reader of MacRumor’s forum. The leaked iPod touch 3G images are compared with the pictures of the iFixit teardown.

» “iPod Touch With Camera” Rumor Was True

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