Jul 28

Paper Camera has been topping the charts since its launch, and they did it without any marketing budget, but solely through customer satisfaction. Paper Camera has been chosen by Apple as “App of the week” in some countries, and has been featured by Apple in pretty much every country, reviews and feedbacks have been extremely positive, showing that quality and talent are still what people truly appreciate. » Paper Camera: Huge Update & Huge Sales: 110k Downloads In A Month

Jul 07

Photojojo is selling a iPhone 4 SLR Mount for $250 that will transform your iPhone into an DSLR. Is it just me?, or are people asking to much from their iPhone? Using a big Mount defeats the purpose of a slim smarthphone. “Ever since the iPhone camera was invented, it’s aspired to be what it simply never quite could be: a DSLR. Sure, apps have helped your camera phone inch forward with simulated focusing and faux filters. » iPhone 4 SLR Mount: Asking To Much From Your iPhone?

Jun 19

This app is not just a “filter”, it is an entirely new way to process video. Developed by the guy from the viral Soviet Montage video http://vimeo.com/14821961 (A million views in a day and top 50 most liked video on Vimeo!). This app performs real-time shadow enhancement and gives an HDR look you won’t find anywhere else. If you don’t believe it, try it and compare to normal iPhone video. » Flare For iPhone: Shoot “HDR” Videos With Your iDevice

Jun 04

Red Pop, an iPhone 4 accessory that adds a big, red, juicy camera button to your phone. It’s as simple as ‘Twist, Push, Pop’. Just Twist the barrel, Push Red Pop on to your iPhone dock connector and start to Pop away taking pictures. Red Pop also allows you to shoot away like you would with a camera, with less downtime between shots. Check out the movie after the break. » Red Pop: Easy Way To Snap Pictures With Your iPhone 4

Apr 03

Howard Stringer Sony iPhone Delay
Howard Stringer told Walt Mossberg yesterday that their camera image sensor facility in Sendai was affected by the recent tsunami/quake.  He said something to the effect of getting image sensors to companies like Apple will be delayed. Quote: “Our best sensor technology is built in one of the (tsunami) affected factories.  Those go to Apple for their iPhones…or iPads.  Isn’t that something?  They buy our best sensors from us?” » Sony “8MP” Camera Sensor For Next Gen iPhone Delayed?

Jan 21

Macrumors published this picture above which provides some interesting information, it shows 3 new icons for a front facing camera as well as the Apple Camera App and Photo Booth App. These new icons has been found in the new iOS 4.3 Beta 2 that Apple just released, which confirms the next generation iPad will include an camera. » FaceTime, Camera and PhotoBooth Icons Confirm Camera in iPad 2

Jan 10

MyCamera is a new tweak that you can download in the Cydia Store via the modmyi repo. It enables you to activate the camera app on your iPhone with any Activator method. You can also choose your own Activator method to take photos and videos. You need iOS 4.x to use MyCamera and can change your Activation settings in the Settings.app. » MyCamera: Take Photos Anyway You Want [jailbreak]

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