Mar 14

Always wanted to a Leica-ish iPhone camera case? The wait is over. For just $65 this case is yours. It comes in silver (for $70), black, white and orange. 

More info after the break.

» Cool Leica-ish iPhone camera case

Mar 07

A view minutes ago Apple finished their Live Event announcing their new iPad. So how is it called, iPad 3, iPad HD? No they decided to call it “The new iPad”. The new iPad includes some amazing new features which makes it another must buy for Apple fans. Check after the break for a detailed list of new features in The new iPad. » The New iPad: Whats New & How Much Does It Cost?

Feb 06

The iPhone Lens Wallet
The iPhone Lens Wallet is specially designed to keep your magnetic cell lenses in one dapper fold-out case. How so? A built-in magenetic strip holds your Macro/Wide Lens, the Fisheye, and the 2x Telephoto Lenses. If you have an 8X Telephoto Lens, the side pockets custom made to hold the lens plus its iPhone case. » The iPhone Lens Wallet

Jan 07

Jeremy Horwitz
from iLounge tweeted multiple details from sources regarding the next iPad. The front camera will reportedly become a FaceTime HD camera and the back camera is supposedly in line with either the iPhone 4 or 4S. 9to5mac heard that Apple was prototyping next-generation iPads with eight megapixel sensors during the last summer, so it probably will be a 5 or 8 megapixel camera. And is rumored to contain a Retina Display. » Rumor: iPad 3 Will Include A FaceTime HD Camera A Improved Back Camera A Retina Display And More

Dec 30

iPad 3 Battery Models Cameras
Digitimes reported that the “battery capacity for the high-end version of Apples new iPad – due to be unveiled in January 2012 – will be increased to 14,000mAH compared to 6,500mAH used currently, according to industry sources.” According to their sources Apple will also unveil two versions of its next-generation tablet, one for the high-end segment and one for the mid-range segment. » Next Gen iPad Double Battery High MegaPixel Camera & Two Models

Dec 25

Action Movie FX lets you add Hollywood FX using your iPhones video camera. You simple select a Scene like “Missile Attack,” film a target and Action Movie FX adds an Incoming Missile and Its Explosion right into your movie, like you can see in the video above. » Action Movie FX For iPhone: Add Special Effects With The iPhones Camera

Nov 16

Siri Update iOS 5.1
At this point you cant ask Siri on you iPhone 4S to “Take A Picture” or “Switch off Bluetooth”, but according to a german website iOS 5.1 will bring us an updated Siri that will enable hardware control questions. Such as “take a picture”, the story has it, to “make a video”, “switch on/off WiFi/Bluetooth” and more. » iOS 5.1 Update To Let Siri “Take A Picture Or Video” And More?

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