Jan 24

The iPhone 5 Trygger Camera Clip has a polarizing filter to cut out noisy light. You’ll get less glare and more vibrant colors, so you can make your best photos. The polarizing filter on the Trygger Camera Clip cuts out bright unwanted reflections and it is removable so it doesn’t block your flash. We designed it to fit snugly on the iPhone 5 so no extraneous light could leak into your photos. » Trygger: iPhone 5 Polarizing Clip Filter For iPhone 5 Camera

Nov 29

The musician Will.i.am launches a “i.am+” iPhone accessory that will “turbo charge iPhones to become a camera with interchangeable lenses” and will also add a keyboard to your iPhone. The £299 V.4 “vintage” models for the iPhone 4 and 4S come with interchangeable lenses and a built-in flash, with photo editing, slide out keyboard, filters and sharing built in. The cheaper £199 “C.4 contemporary” will not include the slide out keyboard and both models will be released on December 6th. The “C.5/V.5 models” for the iPhone 5  will be launched next year. These “i.am+” accessoires will turn the iPhone camera into a 14MP device. » Will.i.am Will Launch iPhone Camera Accessory With Slide-Out Keyboard

Nov 25

Telegraph reports that the Black Eyed Peas star Will.i.am will be launching an iPhone accessory next week that promises to transforms the eight megapixel smartphone camera into a 14 megapixel camera. There are not much details available about this camera accessory but it is described as interfacing to the iPhone through the dock-connector and has its own camera and flash hardware. » Will.i.am To Launch 14 Megapixel Camera Add-on For iPhone Next Week

Sep 22

Above you can see a YouTube video “found by MacRumors and posted by f1ipzid3” that shows a side-by-side comparison between the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S video taking abilities.

Comparing the video shots from the iPhone 5 vs. iPhone 4s
This video looks at indoor and outdoor light, front and rear camera, depth of field & also notice the difference in stabilization.

Both iPhones were handheld on top of one another to have equal comparison
All Video has not been altered other than cropping/sizing

Sep 12

Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has released a last-minute research report showing “his expectations” for Apple’s iPod Touch update which will be introduced today. Kuo said that he expects the new model to offer new colors , 4-inch display and thinner body, GPS, camera improvements, cross-device compatibility, A5 Chip and a smaller dock connector. Check out after the break for more details. » iPod Touch Update To Bring New Colors, GPS & Camera Improvements?

Jul 23

The latest version of the Apple iPhone, the iPhone 4 was developed with a heavy emphasis on improving its camera features and capability. It has vastly increased megapixels, an improved and faster lens and an innovative light sensor feature. Its focus is aimed at increasing the quality of smartphone image and video capture to rival traditional digital cameras and hand-held video recorder devices. » Iphone 4 Camera Spec

May 22


MacRumors and BadGizmo Repair have posted the front panel for the next iPod touch this morning, along with the camera sensor for the next iPhone. According to MacRumors, the front panel for the iPod measures 4.1-inches diagonally, as you can see above.

» New iPhone Parts Found: iPod Touch Front Panel and iPhone 5 Camera

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