Oct 12

Multiple iPhone 5 owners report that the new iPhone is easy to bend and even come bend out of the box. The new iPhone 5 is the thinnest iPhone made so far and comes with an aluminum frame, which makes you wonder if it is strong enought. Austintylerl said on the MacRumors forumThere is a crack above the volume down button in the aluminum. This phone bent while in my front pocket, the phone was never dropped, banged, sat on etc. anyone else have such luck?” a second iPhone 5 owner said that his iPhone 5 was already bend when it was still in the box. » iPhone 5 Is Easy To Bend, Bend-Gate?

Jun 17

I came across the following article on BigBoss his site.
Ziphone Warning
“But Ziphone works fine for me? Why should I avoid it?”

I hear this all the time. It’s simple. Ziphone does permanent changes to your phone. Zibri is a terrible coder that stole most the exploits for ZiPhone and did not create them. Zibri admits that he cannot code. Ziphone does work most of the time. But when it does not work, you are most likely left with an unfixable brick. Other jailbreak software such as iLiberty+, Pwnage, will not leave you with a brick.
» Ziphone Warning!