According to the New York Times Apple is definitely building a television set and will include extensive voice control courtesy of Siri. Executives at Apple knew as far back as 2007 that the company would eventually make a dedicated TV, and the TV can be announced as soon as late 2012 with a consumer release in 2013. » Apple Looking To Launch Siri-Enabled Television Set By 2013
FireCore had their nose to the grindstone as they work to add features and squash bugs, so without any further ado they are happy to present you with a brand new version of Media Player 0.6. » Media Player 0.6 Released For Apple TV
Just a quick note to tell you Apple released iTunes 10.1.2. iTunes 10.1.2 provides a number of important stability and performance improvements. iTunes 10.1 came with several new features and improvements. You can now use AirPlay to instantly and wirelessly stream videos from iTunes to the all-new Apple TV and Sync with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 4.2.
New day, new app in Cydia. Today AllPlay is available in the Cydia Store which can be downloaded for free. It enables video streaming to AppleTV using AirPlay from any 3rd party apps, including Safari. You need iOS 4.2.1 to use AllPlay and you can get it via the BigBoss repo. Note: it doesn’t work with the and the VLC app. » Enable AirPlay To 3rd Party Apps Thanks To AllPlay [jailbreak]
There has always been a war going on between Apple and Google and because Apple launched the Apple TV, Google response hard. The Google TV can be some serious competition for the Apple TV. Google showed of apps and content for their upcoming TV in a Quick Tour. » Google Shows Of Google TV Apps & Content
It’s looking like SHAtter is going to be the gift that keeps on giving, because the dev team managed to jailbreak the Apple TV 2G thanks to SHAtter. SHAtter was already able to hack the iPhone 4 and now it gives us a new gift, a jailbroken Apple TV 2G. The Dev Team already thought it will be possible, but now they succeeded. » Dev Team Managed To Jailbreak The Apple TV 2G
The Dev-Team announced via twitter that they found a exploit to jailbreak the Apple TV, thanks to the “already famous” SHAtter method. This makes the Apple TV more interesting because this opens even more doors for the iOS/jailbreak developers » Apple TV Jailbreak Exploit Found By Dev-Team