You’ve probably heard about it by now, but I wanted to post it nontheless. There’s was a spectacular robbery at the Apple Store in New Jersey. The thiefs were clearly well prepared to rob the store since they stole a lot of stuff in just 31 seconds while the gard was still in the building.
Apple Store In Paris
Over more then a year ago rumors started to spread, but now it’s officially confirmed: Paris will get an Apple Store. CFO Peter Oppenheimer announced it this week during the presentation of the Third Quarter Results. The shop will be opened long before the feastdays of 2009. All together Apple will open 25 new Apple Stores in the current fiscal year. » Apple Store In Paris
In the morning of Friday July 3rd, in Virginia at the Apple Store, a 26 year old female employee was shot. The shooter is still on the run. She is in the hospital and police say she’s in a “serious but stable condition”. The shooter was unknown to the victim and his motive is also unclear. ABC 7 News reports about the crime scene. » Update: Employee Shot In Virginia Apple Store
What happened today in New York??
Can you belive it? There’s already a line of 60 people waiting in line at the biggest ’24h open’ Applestore in New York City.
Most of the people don’t even know why they are waiting. Maybee it’s for the 3G iPhone or is it for a iMac?
If it’s for a 3G phone, then they will have to be there for quite some time. The earliest we can expect the iPhone 3g to be available in stores is 10 June… But that’s not even announced.
» 3G finally there? no but some people think it is ..
iPhone shortage hits NYC
Gizmode posted that it’s now no longer possible to go to the Apple shop in NYC to get your first gen iPhone.
At the Apple store on NYC’s West 14th Street this morning, I caught this line, 30 people deep (my conservative estimate). I asked an employee what they were waiting for, and he told me “the iPhone.” When I incredulously said it wasn’t coming—we suppose—for another month, he said it wasn’t the 3G iPhone, but “the one that came out last June. It’s been out of stock all week.” I asked him if he thought anyone should tell these poor saps that they should hold off for a month—before their dreams are crushed—but he just said “I don’t think so.” He couldn’t actually confirm whether or not replenishments were on their way.