May 12

I’m very happy to announce this little app.
Docs is a a front end for locally stored documents on the iPhone so that you can read them easily.
It’s very similar to “Wild Eyes” app except it’s better because with Wild Eyes, you must install a local web server such as apache or lighttpd. And i know that a lot of people had some serious issues with these.
» Docs : View your documents on your iPhone (doc, pdf, xls)

Apr 16

I haven’t written anything about BossPrefs, but now that a new version got released, it’s the perfect time :)

This is one of those app’s everybody should install.
why ?

Cause it gives you almost full control of all service running on your iPhone.
The app Basically gives you switches for all services that you have running on your iPhone.
» BossPrefs 1.63 released (update 1.64)