Oct 05

iPhone 5 infographic Are You A Fanboy
Last week we showed you part 1 of a survey done by mashable, asking iPhone users multiple question to create a 3 parts infographic. Today you can see part 2 of the infographic checking the Apple Fanboy Syndrome. The questions has been asked to 1,000 iPhone owners aged 18+ living in the U.S. » Are You A Fanboy? [infographic]

Sep 19

Bump is proud to announce the 50 million download mark. Bump makes sharing with people as simple as bumping two phones together. Just pick what you want to send, then hold your phones and gently bump hands with another Bump user. To celebrate this success they created an infographic that includes some interesting facts, which you can see after the break. » Bump: 50 Million Downloads [infographic]

Sep 17

Sphero robotic ball remote iphone
We have talked a lot about the AR.Drone quadricopter, which is a remotely controlled quadricopter by an app on the iPhone. Now a new interesting remote device for the iPhone will hit the market soon, the Sphero. The Sphero is the forst robotic ball that you control with a tilt, or touch on your smarthphone. It even comes with multiple games/apps that you can download for iOS and Android. » Sphero: The Robotic Ball Controlled By An iPhone

Aug 17

Hunch-Droid-vs-iOS 1
Hunch delved into their Teach Hunch About You (THAY) questions to figure out what we can learn about Android vs. iPhone users, and their friends at Column Five Media performed some of their infographic magic on the resulting data.  The full infographic can be seen after the break. » Android vs. iPhone: Battle Of The Mobile Operating Systems [infographic]

Aug 15

Google today announced in a blog post an agreement to acquire Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion, a 63 percent premium to the closing price of Motorola Mobility shares on Friday, August 12, 2011. This means that Google will start creating mobile phones by itself. This can be a start of a bigger competition between Android and iOS or Google Phones and iPhones. For people who are still not sure if they gonna purchase the iPhone or maybe an Android based Phone, this news “can” be the start of a faster growing Android Market Share. » Google To Acquire Motorola Mobility

Aug 07

JumpTap created a report that shows that consumers in the South and Southwest of the U.S. tend to be Android-biased compared to the rest of the country, while those in the Midwest and Northeast lean towards iOS. California, Texas and Florida over-index for Android use and states in New England and the Midwest over-index for iOS use. Blackberry use, which over-indexed in New York, was also included in the geographic data. This new data establishes an evolving narrative of a North vs. South divide in the ongoing battle of the two top mobile operating systems. » Jumptap Mobile STAT Report Maps The U.S. As Android vs. iOS

Aug 06

infographic_phonewars 1
iPhone users care more about their phone than they do their breath. Telenav did a survey and found that 22 percent of 514 U.S. respondents would be willing to give up their toothbrush versus their smartphone. For iPhone users this number jumps to 40 percent! Even among feature phone users, however, TeleNav survey showed respondents strong attachment to their mobile phones. Nearly half of all respondents said they sleep with their phone next to them, including 38 percent of feature phone users and 66 percent of smartphone users. » One-Third Of Americans More Willing to Give Up Sex Than Their Mobile Phones [infographic]

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