Aug 08

In the latest version of the Google Search App for iOS and Android, not only can you say your question out loud, but your search app can speak your answer right back to you. And, using Google’s Knowledge Graph, your search app gives you smarter answers loud and clear. » Introducing Enhanced Voice Search On The Google Search App

Jul 16

When Gotham is threatened and people live in fear only one hope remains… Discover the first trailer of The Dark Knight Rises – the exclusive game inspired by The Dark Knight Rises to be released on your smartphone on July 20th. Check out after the break to find two videos of this upcoming game by GameLoft. » The Dark Knight Rises For iOS [videos]

Jun 30

Siri is how Apple persuades consumers to buy the iPhone 4S, and in iOS 6, the voice assistant promises to get a whole lot better. But before the new and improved Siri arrives, Google is unleashing an upgrade to its search that, well, blows Apple’s tech right out of the water. Built from the ground up in the new Android Jelly Bean update, the new search engine accepts and answers questions with aplomb. » Siri vs. Google Search (Jelly Bean)

Jun 06

Google has just announced that its enhanced 3D maps experience would come to both Android and iOS. Since 2006, Google had textured 3D buildings in Google Earth, and they are excited to announce that thay will begin adding 3D models to entire metropolitan areas to Google Earth on mobile devices in the near future. » Google 3D Maps Coming To iOS Soon

May 23


BRG Reports that they got words from a reliable source that Microsoft is currently planning to release the company’s full Office suite for not only Apple’s iPad, but for Android tablets as well, they also report that Microsoft Office is targeting for release in November of this year for both iOS and Android.

» Microsoft Office For iOS Will Be Launched In November

Apr 05

Google CEO Larry Page, claimed that Steve Jobs anger at Android was all “for show”. But biographer Walter Isaacson was present behind-the-scenes with Jobs, and last night he disputed Page’s assertion that Steve Jobs anger was “for show”:

Isaacson continued: “It’s almost copied verbatim by Android. And then they licence it around promiscuously. And then Android starts surpassing Apple in market share, and this totally infuriated him. It wasn’t a matter of money. He said: ‘You can’t pay me off, I’m here to destroy you’.”

As for what will happen now that Jobs isn’t around to go ‘thermonuclear’ on Google, Isaacson thinks that Apple CEO Tim Cook will handle things differently. “Tim Cook will settle that lawsuit”, Isaacson added.

  » Steve Jobs “Anger At Android” Was Not Just “For Show”?

Mar 20

Free games with ads need more power form the battery than games without ads. A new study by IT scientist, Abhinav Pathak, from Purdue University proofs this. At least 75% of the energy needs of an app are used for downloading ads and collecting user data.

» Battery drains faster with games and apps with ads

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