Apple has just updated iTunes to version 11.0.1 to fix a number of bugs including AirPlay Bugs, Speed Up Searching and iTunes Match. The update is available in the Mac App Store or via Apple’s support website here.
This update to the new iTunes addresses an issue where new purchases in iCloud may not appear in your library if iTunes Match is turned on, makes iTunes more responsive when searching a large library, fixes a problem where the AirPlay button may not appear as expected, and adds the ability to display duplicate items within your library.
The download is available for OS X (191.08 MB ), Windows (83.01 MB) and Windows64 (84.72 MB).
The Telegraph is saying that Apple is planning an improvement to its AirPlay audio and video streaming technology. “Hifi manufacturers are preparing for Apple to launch ‘AirPlay Direct’ technology that allows wireless music playback without the need for a WiFi network“. The Telegraph expects ‘AirPlay Direct’ to be announced on September 12, together with the next-generation iPhone. » AirPlay Upgrade To Allow Wireless Streaming Without Wi-Fi?
Yesterday we informed you that Apple announced OS X Mountain Lion and will arrive this summer. OS X 10.8 offers a number of new features and InsanelyGreatMac has put together this nice walkthrough video of OS X AirPlay mirroring. AirPlay mirroring allows you to transmit your OS X desktop onto your Apple TV over Wi-Fi, check out the video above. CultofMac also got their hands on OS X 10.8 and they created a walkthrough of 30 other features in OS X 10.8. You can check out that video after the break. » AirPlay & Other Features in OS X Mountain Lion
After months of beta testing and bug fixing Apple finally released iOS 5 to the public, which is an major update for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. This update contains over 200 new features, including iMessage, Newsstand, Reminders, Build-in Twitter, Airplay, camera improvement and way more. Check out the full list of over 200 new features and a iOS 5 video after the break. » Apple Released iOS 5 To Public
AirFrame instantly expands the functionality of Apple’s AirPlay by making it possible to stream photos, youtube videos, and other video content between iOS devices (iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad). Why crash the party, spoil the private joke, or hog the AppleTV when you can subtly stream videos and selections from your photo library directly to your friend’s iOS device? » AirFrame Enables AirPlay Video & Photo Streaming Between iOS Devices
Newsy, a multisource video news analysis service producing daily videos for the iPad, iPod and iPhone today announced
that it has updated its applications to enable Airplay with the release of Apple’s iOS 4.3. Newsy, recent winner of the Appy Award for best news app, is now fully Airplay-enabled – allowing users to stream Newsy content to their Apple TV and view next generation news on their television in stunning quality. » Newsy iPad & iPhone Apps Now Airplay-Enabled
Just a quick note to tell you Apple released iTunes 10.1.2. iTunes 10.1.2 provides a number of important stability and performance improvements. iTunes 10.1 came with several new features and improvements. You can now use AirPlay to instantly and wirelessly stream videos from iTunes to the all-new Apple TV and Sync with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 4.2.